Full text: Europe and Africa

and a special commission formulated a new electoral law by 
March, 1926. Under this a new election was held on May 
23, 1926, resulting in a victory for the Wafd party. Zagh- 
lul, who had united with Adly Pasha for the election, was 
persuaded by Lord Lloyd, the High Commissioner, to with- 
draw in favor of Adly Pasha. On June 6 the new ministry 
of Adly Pasha was announced. This is not exactly consti- 
tutional government as it is known in Europe, but the King 
and the Prime Minister are only taking Zaghlul at his word 
when he said he would not hold office unless he could ob- 
tain from Great Britain the unrestricted independence which 
he seeks. 
In the seventh year after the Armistice the changes may 
be summed up by saying that Egypt has received her for- 
mal independence and Egyptian officials administer all 
phases of the civil government, practically without for- 
eign assistance except in the Departments of Finance and 
Justice. But the majority of the powers have not aban- 
doned their capitulatory rights and the Mixed Courts and 
various fiscal and other restrictions upon the sovereignty 
of Egypt remain. Great Britain is still responsible for the 
defense of Egypt and for the treatment of foreigners and of 
minorities in that country. Great Britain still maintains 
troops in Cairo and on the Canal, and the Egyptian army 
is still officered largely by British. 
Except for the submission to an impartial body of the 
water question, the status of the Sudan still presents a 
problem upon which the Egyptians and the British are 
diametrically opposed. The Egyptians have a good legal 
claim, according to the technicalities of international law, 
to sovereignty over the Sudan, but their moral claim is as 
weak as that of the Filipinos to rule the Moros. The 
Egyptians demand independence for themselves on the 
ground of “self-determination”; but their demand for the

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