Full text: Europe and Africa

Marriott, J. A. R. Europe and Beyond, 1870-1920. Methuen, 
London, 1921. 
Morris, Henry C. The History of Colonization. 2 vols. Mac- 
millan, 1900. 
Muir, Ramsey. The Expansion of Europe. Houghton Mifflin Co., 
Rambaud, Alfred. La France Coloniale. Colin, Paris, 1895. 
Régismanset, Charles. Questions Coloniales, 1900-1912. Larose, 
Paris, 1912. 
Reinsch, Paul S. World Politics. Macmillan, 1904. 
Robinson, Howard. The Development of the British Empire. 
Houghton Mifflin Co., 1922. 
Schapiro, J. Salwyn. Modern and Contemporary European His- 
tory. Houghton Mifflin Co., 1918. 
Tardieu, André. France and the Alliances. Macmillan, 1908. 
Turner, E. R. Europe Since 1870. Doubleday, Page, 1921. 
Wakefield, E. G. View of the Art of Colonization. Oxford TU. 
Press, 1914. 
Coman, Katherine. Industrial History of the United States. Mac- 
millan, 1905. 
Cunningham, W. The Growth of English Industry and Commerce. 
5th Ed. 3 vols. Cambridge, 1912. 
Cunningham, W. Outlines of English Industrial History. Mac- 
millan, 1902. 
Dawson, W. H. The Evolution of Modern Germany. T.F. Unwin, 
London, 1908. 
Dewey, Davis R. Financial History of the United States. Long- 
mans, 1903. 
Hobson, J. A. The Evolution of Modern Capitalism. Scott, 1901. 
Wells, David A. Recent Economic Changes. Appleton, 1891. 
Wright, Carroll D. The Industrial Evolution of the Unated States. 
Flood and Vincent, 1897. 
Africa and its Exploration as told by its Explorers. 2 vols. Low, 
Marston, London, 1891-92. 
Alexander, Lieut. Boyd. Boyd Alexander’s Last Journey. Long- 
mans, 1912.

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