Full text: Europe and Africa

Speke, Captain J. H. Journal of the Discovery of the Sources of the 
Nile. Harper, 1864. 
Stanley, Henry M. How I Found Livingstone. Scribner, 1913. 
Stanley, Henry M. In Darkest Africa. 2 vols. Scribner, 1890. 
Stanley, Henry M.. Through the Dark Continent. 2 vols. Harper, 
Thomson, Joseph. Through Masailand. (Eastern Equatorial 
Africa.) Boston, 1885. 
Waller, Horace. The Last Journals of David Livingstone. Bliss, 
Barns, T. Alexander. The Wonderland of the Eastern Congo. Put- 
nam, 1922. 
Bentley, Rev. W. Holman. Pioneering on the Congo. 2 vols. 
Revell, 1900. 
Brode, Dr. H. Tippoo Tib. Arnold, London, 1906. 
Calmeyn, M. Au Congo Belge. Flammarion, Paris, 1912. 
Crawford, Dan. Thinking Black. Morgan & Scott, London, 
Crawford, Dan. Back to the Long Grass, My Link with Livingstone. 
Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1923. 
Davis, Richard Harding. The Congo and Coasts of Africa. Scrib- 
ner, 1907. 
Hinde, Capt. S. L. The Fall of the Congo Arabs. Methuen, Lon- 
don, 1897. | 
Johnston, Sir H. H. George Grenfell and the Congo. 2 vols. Ap- 
pleton, 1910. 
Keith, A. Berriedale. The Belgian Congo and the Berlin Act. Ox- 
ford, 1919. 
Morel, Edmund D. King Leopold’s Rule in Africa. Funk & 
Wagnalls, 1905. 
Rappoport, A. S. Leopold the Second, King of the Belgians. Stur- 
gis & Walton, New York, 1910. 
Stanley, Henry M. The Congo and the Founding of its Free State. 
2 vols. Harper, 1885. 
Swann, Alfred J. Fighting the Slave Hunters in Central Africa. 
Lippincott, 1910.

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