Full text: Europe and Africa

Education in East Africa, 1923-2}. African Education Commis- 
sion. Stokes, 1925. 
Eliot, Sir Charles. The East Africa Protectorate. Arnold, 1905. 
Joelson, F. S. The Tanganyika Territory. T. F. Unwin, London, 
Johnston, Sir H. H. The Uganda Protectorate. 2 vols. Hutch- 
inson, London, 1902. 
Lugard, Capt. F.D. The Rise of Our East African Empire. 2 vols. 
Blackwood, London, 1893. 
McDermott, P. L. The History of the Foundation and Work of the 
Imperial British East African Company. Chapman & Hall, 
Pearce, Major F. B. Zanzibar. The Island Metropolis of Eastern 
Africa. T.F. Unwin, London, 1920. 
Vandeleur, Lieut. Seymour. Campaigning on the Upper Nile and 
Niger. Methuen, London, 1898. 
Van den Bergh, Dr. Leonard J. On the Trail of the Pigmies. 'T.F. 
Unwin, London, 1922. 
Weule, Dr. Karl. Native Life in East Africa. Appleton, 1909. 
B. British West Africa and Nigeria 
Alldridge, T. J. A Transformed Colony. Sierra Leone. Lippin- 
cott, 1910. 
Archer, Francis Bisset. The Gambia Colony and Protectorate. St. 
Brides, London, 1910. 
Fuller, Sir Francis. A Vanished Dynasty. Ashanti. J. Murray, 
London, 1921. 
Gaunt, Mary. Alone in West Africa. 'T.W. Laurie, London, 1912. 
Johnson, Rev. Samuel. The History of the Yorubas. Routledge & 
Sons, London, 1921. 
Kingsley, Mary. West African Sketches. London, 1897. 
Kingsley, Mary. West African Studies. Macmillan, 1899. 
Lady Lugard. A Tropical Dependency. J. Nisbet, London, 1905. 
Lang, John. The Land of the Golden Trade. (Romance of Empire 
Series.) Jack, London, 1925. 
Lugard, Sir F. D. The Dual Mandate in British Tropical Africa. 
Blackwood, London, 1922. 
Meek, C. R. The Northern Tribes of Nigeria. 2 vols. Milford. 
London, 1925.

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