Full text: Europe and Africa

Eybers, G. W. Secret Constitutional Documents Illustrating South 
African History, 1795-1910. E. P. Dutton, 1918. 
Fitzpatrick, Sir J. Percy. The Transvaal from within. Stokes, 
Fletcher-Vane, Francis P. Pax Britannica in South Africa. Con- 
stable, London, 1905. 
Fuller, Robert H. South Africa at Home. George Newnes, 
Fuller, Sir Thomas E. The Right Honourable Cecil John Rhodes. 
Longmans, London, 1910. 
Fyfe, H. Hamilton. South Africa Today. E. Nash, 1911. 
Goldmann, C. S. With General French and the Cavalry in South 
Africa. Macmillan, 1902. 
Gouldsbury and Sheane. The Great Plateau of Northern Rhodesia. 
Arnold, 1911. 
Harris, John H. The Chartered Millions. Swarthmore, London, 
Hensman, Howard. Cecil Rhodes. Blackwood, London, 1901. 
Hofmeyr, J. H. Life of Jan Hendrik Hokmeyr. Kegan Paul. 
London, 1914. 
Hone, Percy F. Southern Rhodesia. G. Bell, 1909. 
Hyatt, Stanley P. The Northward Trek. Melrose, London, 1909. 
[wan-Miiller, E. B. Lord Milner and South Africa. Heinemann, 
London, 1902. 
Johnston, Sir H. H. British Central Africa. Methuen, London, 
Jollie, Ethel Tawse. The Real Rhodesia. Hutchinson, London, 
Jourdan, Philip. Cecil Rhodes — His Private Life by his Prwate 
Secretary. J. Lane, London, 1910. 
Kruger, Paul. The Memoirs of Paul Kruger Told by Himself. 
Century, 1902. 
Lady Duff Gordon. Letters from the Cape. Milford, London. 
Lagden, Sir Godfrey. The Basutos. 2 vols. Appleton, 1910. 
LeSueur, Gordon. Cecil Rhodes: the Man and his Work. J. Murray. 
London, 1914. : 
Levi, N. Jan Smuts. Longmans, London, 1917. 
Markham, Violet R. South Africa. Smith, Elder. London, 

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