Full text: Europe and Africa

Charles-Roux, Francois. Les Origines de I Expédition d’ Egypte. 
Plon-Nourrit, Paris, 1910. 
Chirol, Sir Valentine. The Egyptian Problem. Macmillan, Lon- 
don, 1920. 
Colvin, Sir Auckland. The Making of Modern Egypt. E. P. 
Dutton, 1906. 
Cromer, Earl of. Abbas II. Macmillan, 1915. 
Cromer, Earl of. Modern Egypt. 2 vols. Macmillan, 1908. 
Egyptian Delegation to the Peace Conference. The Delegation, 
Paris, 1919. (Official correspondence from Nov. 11, 1918- 
July 14, 1919.) 
De Kusel, Baron. An Englishman’s Recollections of Egypt. J. 
Lane, London. 
Elgood, Lieut. Col. P. G. Egypt and the Army. Oxford U. Press, 
Himaya, Latif. La Condition Internationale de L’ Egypte depuis 
191}. Paris, 1922. 
Low, Sidney. Egypt in Transition. Macmillan, 1914. 
Milner, Sir Alfred. England in Egypt. 18th ed. Arnold, Lon- 
don, 1920. 
Penfield, F. C. Present-Day Egypt. London, 1899. 
Story, Sommerville, Editor. Memoirs of Ismail Kemal Bey. Con- 
stable. London, 1920. 
E. Anglo-Egyptian Sudan 
Alford and Sword. The Egyptian Soudan: Its Loss and Recovery. 
Macmillan, 1898. 
Artin, Yacoub Pasha. England in the Soudan. Macmillan, 1911. 
Colvile, Col. H. E. Haustory of the Sudan Campaign. Harrison & 
Sons, 1890. 
Comyn, D. C. E. Service and Sport in the Sudan. J. Lane, 1911. 
Dujarrie, Gaston. L’ Etat Mahdiste du Soudan. Paris, 1901. 
Fothergill, Edward. Fue Years in the Soudan. Appleton, 1911. 
Gleichen, Lieut. Col. Count (Ed.). The Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. 
2 vols. Harrison & Sons, London, 1905. 
Hake, A. Egmont (Ed.). The Journals of Major-General C. G. 
Gordon, at Khartoum. Houghton Mifflin Co., 1885. 
Hill, George Birkbeck (Ed.). Colonel Gordon in Central Africa. 
Rue & Co., London, 1884.

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