Full text: Europe and Africa

MacDonald, Alexander. Too Late for Gordon and Khartoum. J. 
Murray, London, 1887. 
MacMichal, H. A. The Tribes of Northern and Central Kordofdn. 
Cambridge, 1912. 
MacMichal, H. A. A History of the Arabs in the Sudan. 2 vols. 
Cambridge, 1922. 
Slatin Pasha, Col. Sir R. Fire and Sword in the Sudan. (Trans- 
lated by Lieut. Col. Sir F. R. Wingate.) Arnold, London, 1922. 
Wingate, Sir F. R. Mahdism and the Egyptian Soudan. Mac- 
millan, 1891. 
F. British Somaliland 
Hamilton, Angus. Somaliland. Hutchinson, London, 1911. 
A. Senegal, Dahomey and the Congo 
Binger, Le Capitaine. Du Niger au Golfe de Guinée. Hachette, 
Paris, 1892. 
Challaye, F. Le Congo Francaise. Alcan, Paris, 1909. 
Delafosse, Maurice. Haut-Sénégal-Niger. 8 vols. E. Larose, 
Paris, 1912. 
Dubois, Felix. Timbuctoo the Mysterious. Heinemann, 1899. 
Ferry, Lieut. Col. E. La France en Africa. Colin, Paris, 1905. 
Francois, G. Notre Colonie du Dahomey. Larose, Paris, 1906. 
Hanotaux, G. Fachoda. E. Flammarion, Paris, 1909. 
Hourst, Lieut. E. A. French Enterprise in Africa. (Exploration 
of the Niger.) Chapman & Hall, London, 1898. 
Mangin, Lieut. Col. La Force Noire. Hachette, Paris, 1910. 
Mission Marchand. Journal de Route du Dr. J. Emily. Ila- 
chette, Paris, 1913. 
Mounier, M. France Noire: La Cite d’tvoire et le Soudan. Paris, 
1894. . 
B. Northern Africa 
Affaires du Maroc. Vols. v and vi. Documents Diplomatiques. 
(French Yellow Book.) Paris, 1905, 1912. 
Albin, Pierre. La querelle franco-allemande. Le “coup” d’ Agadir. 
Alcan, Paris, 1912. 
Ashmead-Bartlett, E. The Passing of the Shereefian Empire. 
Dodd, Mead, 1910.

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