Full text: Europe and Africa

Abbas II, Hilmy Pasha, Khedive of 
Egvpt, 408; deposed by Great Britain, 
Abd-el-Aziz, Sultan of Morocco, 284: hesi- 
tates to accept French control, 288; de- 
mands conference of Powers, 289-90; 
European sympathies, 291-92; de- 
feated by Mlulai-el-Hafid, 292; abdi- 
cates, 293-96; pensioned, 297. 
Abd-el-Kader, Dey of Algiers, 248-49; 
treaty with France, 249; campaigns 
against France, 250-51; defeated by 
France, 251. 
Abdullah el Taaisha, successor of the 
Mahdi, driven from the Congo, 40; rule 
of, 137, 406-07; accession of, 406; de- 
feated by British, 411. 
Abercorn, James Hamilton, 2d Duke of, 
President of British South Africa Com- 
pany, 232. 
Aberdeen, George Hamilton Gordon, 4th 
Earl of, British Premier, withdraws 
British sovereignty from Orange River 
territory, 190. 
Aborigines Protection Society of Great 
Britain, criticizes Congo administra- 
tion, 49, 53. 
Abu-Klea, town in Sudan, defeat of Mah- 
dists at, 404. 
Abyssinia, Kingdom of, 137, 140, 399: po- 
litical integrity of, 343; wars with 
Egypt, 364; control of the Nile, 392: 
relations with Italy, 408. 
Accords, Franco-Moroccan (1910), 301- 
02; Spanish-Moroccan (1910), 302. 
Act of the West African Conference, 30. 
32, 34, 60. See Berlin Conference. 
Adamaua, district in German Cameroons, 
81; ceded to Germany by Treaty of 
1893, 136, 157. 
Adly Yeghen Pasha, Egyptian Premier, 
383, 391. 
Administration, 4, 7; Congo Independent 
State, 37-48; Belgian Congo, 356-60, 
65-68; German West and Southwest 
Africa, 81-84; Mandates, 81-83, 121- 
23, 226; British East Africa Protector- 
ate, 92-93, 98, 101, 104; Uganda, 97-99, 
101-05; Kenya Colony, 103; Kenya 
Protectorate, 105; Italian Somaliland, 
117-18; German East Africa. 119: Tane 
zanyika Territory, 121-22; Sahara, 
143; French West Africa, 146-47; 
Nigeria, 154-55, 178-79; Northern Ni- 
geria, 159-61, 167-71, 173; Southern 
Nigeria, 155, 159, 177-78; Cape Col- 
»ny, 191; Natal, 191; Transvaal, 201-03, 
211-15; Orange River Colony, 211-15; 
Union of South Africa, 219-21; Basuto- 
land Protectorate, 231; Bechuanaland 
ind Swaziland Protectorates, 231; Alse- 
ria, 252-56; Tunisia, 270-78; Morocco, 
318, 320-22; Tripolitania, 342-43, 352, 
357, 360-62; Egypt, 363-69, 375-81, 
388; Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, 406-07, 
409-11, 420. 
ifrican Lakes Company in Nyasaland, 
\frikander Bond, advocates union of 
South Africa, 198, 217-18. 
Agadir, port in Morocco, military occu- 
pation of, 326. 
Agadir Crisis, between France and Ger- 
many, 303-14. 
Agriculture, in Belgian Congo, 67: in Ger. 
man Southwest Africa, 82-83; in Togo- 
land and German Cameroons, 83, 311; 
in British East Africa and Uganda, 93, 
106-08; in Italian Somaliland, 117-18; 
in German East Africa, 118, 121; in 
French West Africa, 149-50: in Nigeria, 
151, 180-82; in South African Protec- 
torates, 231; in Southern Rhodesia, 232, 
241; in Nyasaland, 242-43; in Algeria, 
260-62; in Tunisia, 274-75; in Morocco, 
279-80, 334; in Tripolitania, 340; in 
Egypt, 363; in Sudan, 411, 415, 419. 
\hmadu, native state in West Africa, con- 
quered by French, 126. 
+hmed Pasha Ziwar, Egyptian Premier, 
accepts British demands, 390; forms 
coalition ministry, 390. 
\in Sefra, French territory in Southern 
Algeria, 145, 256; railways in, 255; ad- 
ministration of, 258-59. 
ikidas, local administrators in German 
East Africa, 119, 122. 
Albert I, King of Belgium, quoted, 63. 
Albart Nyanza, lake in Sudan, 395; discov: 
ery of, 20; explorations, 393. 
Alexander, Capt. Boyd, British explorer, 

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