Full text: Europe and Africa

Briand, Aristide, French Premier, fall of 
Cabinet in 1911, 306. 
British Central Africa. See Nyasaland. 
British Cotton Growers’ Association, in 
Nigeria, 181; in Nyasaland, 242-43. 
British Dominions, home rule in, 9; atti 
tude toward Asiatic immigration, 111 
British East Africa Company, 94; secures 
concessions from Sultan of Zanzibar 
92: secures royal charter, 92; admin 
isters East Africa, 92-93, 98; adminis 
ters Witu, 93; assists Italians in Somal- 
iland, 93; administers Uganda, 96-100 
sells holdings to British Crown, 101. 
British East Africa Protectorate, 87 
Anglo-German Treaty (1886), 89-90. 
administered by British East Africa 
Company, 92-93, 98, 100-01, Anglo 
German Treaty (1890), 93; adminis 
tered by British Government, 101, 104- 
05, demand for home rule, 108-10 
Indians in, 110-14; Uganda Railway 
115; trade, 116-17; campaigns in Great 
War, 120-21. 
British Empire, 200; free trade in, 7, 33. 
87, 92, 133, 159, 220-21, 412; home rule 
in, 7-9, 103, 108-10, 113-14, 175-79 
191, 218-21, 231, 234, 23740, 384-91 
chartered companies in, 10-11, 92-101 
128-30, 154-58, 161-63, 174, 200, 204- 
05, 232-39: imperial federation move 
ment in, 11, 112-14, 191, 193-97, 218- 
21: Indians in, 110-15, 122-23, 221-22 
Imperial Conference ot 1921, 112; Im 
perial Conference of 1923, 113-14. 
British Royal Niger Company, 128, 161 
174; organized by Sir George T. Goldie 
129; charter granted, 129, 154-55 
treaties with natives, 129, 130, 156 
administration of, 154-58; tariffs, 155 
cancellation of charter, 158-59; deposes 
Emir of Yola, 163. 
British South Africa Company, 204; char- 
ter, 200, 232, 234; saved from dissolu- 
tion, 205; administers Bechuanaland 
and Swaziland, 231; concessions from 
King Lobengula, 232-33; in Nyasaland, 
235: in Northeastern Rhodesia, 235-36; 
purchased by British Crown, 237-39. 
Brussels, headquarters of International 
African Association, 23. 
Brussels Conference of 1876, plans Inter- 
national African Association, 22-23. 
Brussels Conference of 1890, prohibits 
slave trade, importation of firearms, and 
levies duties on spirits, 36-37, 156; al- 
lows limited import duties in Conven- 
tional Basin, 101. 
Brussels Conference of 1899, raises duties 
on liquors, 36. 
Bugeaud, Thomas Robert, Duke of Isly, 
Governor-General of Algeria, leads cam- 
paign against Abd-el-Kader, 250. 
Buisseret, Count de, Belgian Minister at 
Tangier, 297. 
Buller, Charles, quoted, 8-9. 
Bulwer, Henry, Lieutenant-Governor of 
Natal, 196. 
Bundesrath, German, 312; approves Fran- 
co-German Treaty (1911), 313. 
Burton, Sir Richard F., explores Nile 
River Valley, 20-21; in Uganda, 95. 
Buxton, Sydney Charles, 1st Earl, Gov: 
ernor-General of South Africa, 238 
Tabinda, ceded to Portugal, 30. 
Caillaux, Joseph. French Premier, nego- 
tiations concerning Franco-German 
Treaty (1911), 306, 314. 
Caillié, Réné August, French explorer in 
northwest Africa, 19; map of route, 21, 
reaches Timbuctu, 125. 
Cairo, capital of Egypt, 138, 140, 365. 
371, 397, 399; anti-foreign riots in, 366, 
389s occupied by British forces, 374. 
Jambon, Jules, French ambassador to 
Germany, 315; quoted, 305. 
Jambon, Paul, French Ambassador to 
Great Britain, 140; made Resident-Gen- 
eral of Tunisia, 270; negotiates Con- 
vention of Marsa, 271. 
Jameron, Commander Verney L., explor- 
ations of, 20. 
Z“ameroons. See German Cameroons. 
Campbell-Bannerman, Sir Henry, British 
Prime Minister, 217. 
Canalejas, José, Spanish Premier, 317. 
Canning, Charles John, Earl, Governor- 
General of India, arbitrates Zanzibar 
dispute, 86. 
“ape Colony, British, 9, 18, 184, 204; 
Germans in Southwest Africa, 71-78; 
‘and and people, 187; administration, 
188, 191; slave trade, 188; wars against 
natives, 188; treaties with natives, 188; 
Great Trek, 188-89; separation of Na- 
tal, 190; annexation of Kaffraria, 190; 
~elations with Transvaal, 192; joins 
Customs Union, 198, 215; railways, 199; 
Boer War, 209: member of Intercolon- 
ial Council, 215-16; Union of South 
Africa, 217-21; native reserves in, 224. 
Cape of Good Hope, secured by Great 
Britain, 18, 184-85, 
Cape to Cairo Railroad, planned, 41; in

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