Full text: Europe and Africa

172 INDEX 
Railways and motor roads, 6; in Congo 
Independent State, 38, 55; in Belgian 
Congo, 59, 64, 68: in German Southwest 
Africa, 82-83; in British East Africa, 
98-100; in Uganda, 98-100, 115-16; in 
Kenya, 105, 108, 115-16; in German 
East Africa, 118; in French West Af- 
ica, 147-48; in Nigeria, 161, 182; in 
Northern Nigeria, 161, 171-72: in 
South Africa, 199, 220; in Southern 
Rhodesia, 242; in Nyasaland, 243; in 
Algeria, 255-56, 259-60; in Sahara, 
255-56; in Tunisia, 255, 274; in Mo- 
roceo, 255, 310, 312, 316, 317, 323, 327 
28; in Tripolitania, 359; in Egypt, 364 
in Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, 409, 413, 
Raisuli, Sheik in Morocco, captures Kaid 
McLean, 291. 
Raouf Pasha, Governor-General of Su- 
dan, 395. 
Reade, Thomas F.,influences Bey of Tunis, 
Redjet Pasha, Turkish Minister of War. 
Red Sea, Italian-Turkish War, 346, 352. 
Regnault, A. M., French Agent in Mo- 
rocco, 299; issues ultimatum to Mulai- 
el-Hafid, 301; obtains Sultan’s signature 
to Protectorate Treaty, 318. 
Reichstag, German, discusses Franco 
German Treaty (1911), 295, 304, 312- 
Rejaf, town on Nile River, 395; claimed by 
Congo State, ¢1. 
Renkin, J., Belgian Minister for Colonies, 
plans reforms in Congo State, 63-64; ad- 
ministration of, 66. 
Retief, Pieter, leads Great Trek, 188: 
quoted, 188-89. 
Révoil, A., Governor-General of Algeria, 
288; discusses recognition of Sultap 
Mulai-el-Hafid, 293. 
Rhodes, Cecil J., Premier of Cape Colony 
and administrator of British South 
Africa Company, part in Jameson Raid, 
203-03; resigns premiership, 205; or- 
ganizes British South Africa Company 
in Rhodesia, 231-33; quoted, 233. 
Rhodes, island in Mediterranean, seized 
by Italians, 353. 
Rhodesia, in British South Africa, 66, 120, 
184, 204; occupation of Mashonaland, 
231-33; administered by British South 
Africa Company, 231-41; natural re- 
sources, 232, 241-42; occupation of Ma- 
tabeleland, 233-34; organization of 
Southern Rhodesia. 234: responsible 
government in Southern Rhodesia, 
234, 237-41; occupation of Nyasaland, 
235; occupation of Northeastern Rho- 
desia, 235-36; acquisition of North- 
western Rhodesia, 236; imports and ex- 
ports, 241-42; railways, 242-43. 
Riff, principality in Morocco, 281; conflict 
with Spain, 300; Spanish-Moroccan 
Accord (1910), 302; Franco-Spanish 
Treaty (1912), 317. 
Rio de Oro, Spanish colony, 19, 317. 
River Niger Navigation Company, estab-~ 
lished in 1854, 11. 
Roads. See Railways. 
Roberts, Frederick S., Earl, British com- 
mander in Boer War, 209; establishes 
military government in Transvaal and 
Orange River colonies, 211. 
Robinson, Sir Hercules, Lord Rosmead, 
Governor of Cape Colony, 196; favors 
acquisition of Southwest Africa, 76, 78; 
quoted, 76; attitude toward Transvaal, 
Rochefort, Claude de, founds Fort St. 
Louis, 125. 
Roches, Léon, French agent in Tunis, 263, 
Rohlfs, Dr. Gerhard, urges free trade in 
Zanzibar, 87, 89. 
Roos, Telman, Nationalist leader in 
Transvaal, 228. 
Rosebery, Archibald B., 5th Earl, British 
Premier, his Imperial Federation 
Leagues, 11; orders Uganda report, 99; 
quoted, 408. 
loustan, T. J. D., influences Bey of 
Tunis, 264, 268; appointed Minister 
Plenipotentiary to Tunis, 270. 
Royal Niger Company. See British 
Royal Niger Company. 
Ruanda, district in German East Africa, 
mandated to Belgium, 121. 
Rubber, in Congo Independent State, 25, 
43-47, 58, 67; in French Congo, 309; 
in German Cameroons, 311. 
Rudd, C. D., secures concessions from 
King Lo Bengula, 232. 
Rumalisa, Arab slave trader in Central 
Africa, 38. 
Russia, 15; alliance with France (1891), 
14, 286; at Brussels Conference (1876), 
22; at Berlin Conference (1884), 29-35; 
treaty with France (1898), 286; Russo- 
Japanese War, 290; urges peace in 
Italian-Turkish War, 351; Holy War 
against, 382. 
Sahara, French colony, 126, 135, 281, 340; 
explorations in. 25. 143-44: occupation

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