Full text: Europe and Africa

of, 140-41, 143, 144-45, 256; effect of 
Great War on, 141; administration of 
West Sahara, 143; Convention of Fi- 
guig, 145; Trans-Sahara Railroad, 255- 
Sahara Desert, 349; explored, 19, 126 
ceded to France by treaty (1899) 
140-41; occupied by French missions 
Sahara Oases, French Territory in South- 
ern Algeria, 258. 
Said Pasha, Khedive of Egypt, author 
izes Suez Canal, 364. 
Said Sogheir, captured by Kitchener, 138. 
Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Treaty of (1919), 
prohibits importation of liquor, 180. 
Saint-Hilaire, Barthélemy, French Min- 
ister of Foreign Affairs, quoted, 266-67, 
367-68; circular letter to Powers, 270. 
St. Louis, town on Senegal River, founded, 
125; railways, 147. 
Saint-Marcq, Lieutenant Clement de, 
Resident in Kasongo, 38. 
Salesses, Captain, explores French 
Guinea, 142. 
Salisbury, A. T. Gascoyne-Cecil, 3d Mar- 
quess, quoted, 87, 100, 366-67, 368. 
387; defines British sphere in East Af- 
rica, 99; favors subsidy to Uganda Rail 
way, 99-100; urges boundary delimita- 
tions in West Africa, 133; Fashoda Inci- 
dent, 139-40; cancels charter of Royal 
Niger Company, 158; favors French ac- 
quisition of Tunis, 266; Anglo-Egyptiar 
Convention of 1899, 412. 
Samory, native chief in West Africa, wars 
with French, 127-28; capture of, 142. 
Sao Thomé island, Portuguese Colony 
Sarwat Pasha, Egyptian Premier, 387. 
Say, town in French West Africa, 128 
awarded to France by treaty (1898), 
134; boundary point in Anglo-French 
Treaty (1890), 157. 
Scandinavian States, at Berlin Confer- 
ence (1884), 29-35. 
Schanzer, Senator Carlo, quoted, 361-62. 
Schmidt, Consul, member of Zanzibar 
Boundary Commission (1886), 89. 
Schnee, Herr Heinrich, Governor of Ger- 
man East Africa, criticizes administra: 
tion of Tanganyika Territory, 121. 
Schnitzler, Edward, Lieutenant-Governoi 
in Equatorial Province of Sudan, 395 
Schollaert, M., Belgian Prime Minister 
58, 59; quoted, 61-62. 
Sefu, son of Tippoo Tib, Arab slave trader 
in Central Africa, 38. 
Segregation, native reservesin Kenya Col- 
ony, 105; Indians in towns in Kenya, 
111-13; Indians in Tanganyika Terri- 
tory, 122; native reserves in Union of 
South Africa, 223-24; native reserves in 
Southern Rhodesia, 241. 
Segu, capital of Ahmadu, 126, 127. 
Selborne, William Waldegrove Palmer, 
2d Earl of, British Secretary of State 
for Colonies, favors union of South 
African colonies, 216-17; quoted, 216. 
‘elf-government, established in Pritish 
colonies, 7-9; in Uganda, 103, 110; in 
British East Africa Protectorate, 108- 
10; in Kenya Colony, 110, 113-14; in 
Tanganyika Territory, 122; in French 
West Africa, 147; in Nigeria, 175-79; in 
Union of South Africa, 191, 218-21; 
n Transvaal and Orange River Col- 
nies, 212-13; in Basutoland, Bech- 
1analand, and Swaziland Protectorates, 
231; in Southern Rhodesia, 234, 237- 
10; in Algeria, 257-58, 337; in Tunisia, 
272-73, 276, 277, 337; in Morocco, 
332-33, 337; in Tripolitania, 357; in 
Cyrenaica, 361-62; in Egypt, 370-71, 
375-77, 380, 384-85, 388, 391. 
Selim Bey, Sudanese chief, polices 
Uganda, 97. 
Senate, French, approves Franco-German 
Treaty (1911), 313-14. 
Senegal, colony in French West Afric, 
French occupation of, 12, 125, 126, 134, 
281; boundaries extended to Ivory 
Coast, 127, to upper Niger district, 
128, 130-35; French political missions 
in, 256. 
senegal River, in French West Africa, con- 
trolled by France, 18, 134, 342; explor- 
ations on, 125; freedom of trade on, 133, 
3ennar, town in Sudan, Egyptian garrison 
in, 395; threatened by Mahdists, 396, 
398, 401; railway to, 413. 
3enoussi, native state in Tripolitania, 
135, 349; influence Touaregs to revolt, 
259; their enmity to Europeans, 285; 
aid Turkey in Italian-Turkish War, 
350; campaign against Italy in Great 
War, 356; treaty with Italy and Great 
Britain (1917), 356; treaty with Italy 
(1920), 358; extent of Italian control 
over, 360-62. 
Serpa, A. de, Portuguese Minister, 
quoted, 27. 
Serviére, General, occupies Touat, 145. 
Sevres, Treaty of (1920), 359. 
Seymour, Admiral Frederick Beauchamp 
Paget, Lord Alcester. commands naval

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