Full text: Europe and Africa

denied to British, 41; claimed by Sultan 
of Zanzibar, 86. 
Canganyika Territory, British mandate, 
formerly in German East Africa, 121 
administration, 121-23; Asiatics in 
122-23; imports and exports, 123 
treasury deficit, 123. 
Tangier, international port in Morocco, 
19, 297; proclamation of Kaiser at, 289; 
civil war in, 291, 293; adheres to Sul- 
tan Mulai-el-Hafid, 294; Tangier— 
Fez Railway, 312, 316, 317, 323, 327-28. 
Franco-Spanish Treaty (1912), 317. 
Tanmusa, Dan, slave trader in Zaria, de 
feated by British, 165-66, 169. 
[ariffs and customs, in France, 14; in Ger- 
many, 18; in Mozambique, 27; in 
Congo, 27; on liquors at Brussels Con- 
ferences, 36; in East Africa, 92, 101 
106; in French West Africa, 133; in Ni- 
geria, 155, 172, 180; in South Africa, 
198, 215; in Morocco, 310, 316, 317, 
329, 337; in Tripolitania, 354; in 
Egypt, 386-87; in Anglo-Egyptian 
Sudan, 412, 414. 
raxation, Congo Independent State, 
44, 45, 47, 55; Belgian Congo, 62 
64; Uganda, 103; Nigeria, 155, 179 
Northern Nigeria, 172-73, 257; Trans 
vaal, 202; Union of South Africa, 224 
239; Algeria, 255; Tunisia, 273-74, 278 
Morocco, 303; Tripolitania, 349, 357; 
Egypt, 364-65, 369-70, 376, 378, 380, 
Taza, blot of, in Morocco, 324. 
Tel-el-Kabir, town in Egypt, defeat, of 
Arabi Pasha at, 374. 
Temple, Charles, Lieutenant-Governor 
of North Nigeria, 178; organizes Beit- 
el-Mal, 176. 
Tewfik Pasha, Mohammed, Khedive of 
Egypt, appointed President of Council 
of State, 366; character of, 367; finan- 
cial reforms of, 369; opposes National 
Party, 370-71, 373; aided by British 
intervention, 373-74; authorizes “In- 
stitutions,” 375-77; opposes evacuation 
of Sudan, 396-97; appoints General 
Gordon Governor of Sudan, 398; death 
of, 408. 
Thiers, Adolphe, President of France, 7; 
quoted, 252. 
Thomson, F. R., secures concession from 
King Lo Bengula, 232. 
Thys, Captain, Belgian explorer, in Congo 
State, 38. 
Tibesti, oasis in French Sahara, 140, 342, 
259: occupied by French, 141. 
Timbuctu, town in French West Africa, 
148, 153; discovery of, 19, 125; capture 
of, 128. 
Tippoo Tib, Arab slave trader in Central 
Africa, 38; aids Stanley, 39. 
[iteri, native states in Algeria, 247; sub- 
mit to France, 248-49, 
lNogoland, in West Africa, 306-07; secured 
by Germany, 80-81; German admin- 
istration of, 81-83; foreign trade, 84; 
Great War campaigns in, 84; mandated 
to Great Britain and France, 84. 
Couaregs, natives of Sahara and Algeria, 
146, 244; French conquest of, 144; at- 
tack caravans, 256; revolt during Great 
War, 259. 
Touat, oasis in Algeria, occupied by 
French, 145, 288. 
Touggourt, oasis in Algeria, occupied by 
French, 145, 253, 256; railways, 255; 
administration, 258-59. 
Toutée, Captain, French officer in West 
Africa, explores Niger River, 128; 
makes treaties with native chiefs, 130. 
Frade, foreign, relation to colonial expan- 
sion, 4-5, 14, 75; in Congo Independent 
State, 43; in Belgian Congo, 65; in Ger- 
nan Southwest Africa, 84; in Togoland 
snd German Cameroons, 84; in British 
East Africa Protectorate, 116-17; in 
Kenya, 117; in Uganda, 117; in Ger- 
man East Africa, 120, 123; in Tangan- 
yika Territory, 123; in French West 
Africa, 148-49; in Nigeria, 180-83; in 
she Rhodesias, 242; in Nyasaland, 242; 
in Algeria, 260-61; in Tunisia, 274; 
in Morocco, 280, 298, 307, 334-35; 
in Tripolitania, 342; in Anglo-Egyptian 
Sudan, 414-15. 
“rade, freedom of, in British Empire, 7; 
in Congo River basin, 26-27, 29, 32, 48, 
312; in Conventional Basin of Berlin 
Tonference (1884), 32, 48; in Niger 
River basin, 33, 133; in Congo Inde- 
sendent State, 44, 48, 50; in Belgian 
“ongo, 63, 64; in mandated territories, 
34, 85; in Zanzibar, 87; in British East 
Africa, 92; modified by Brussels Con- 
ference (1890), 101; in Nigeria, 159; 
in Union of South Africa, 220-21; be- 
tween France and Algeria, 261; in Mo- 
rocco, 290, 305; stipulated in Act of 
Algeciras (1906), 305, 307; in Anglo- 
Egyptian Sudan, 412. 
Transvaal, republic in South Africa, 10, 
184, 195, 228, 231; founding of, 190; 
dispute with Cape Colony over Griqua- 
land, 192: annexed by Great Britain,

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