Full text: Europe and Africa

193-94; revolts from Great Britain, 
196-97; defeats British at Majuba Hill, 
197; Convention of Pretoria, 197; Lon- 
don Convention, 197; refuses to join 
Customs Union, 198; discovery of gold 
in, 199; railroads, 199, 213, 214; treat- 
ment of Uitlanders, 201-03, 206-07; 
policy of President Kruger, 202-03, 
206; Jameson Raid, 204-03; ultimatum 
to Great Britain, 209; defeated in Boer 
War, 209; Peace of Pretoria (1902), 
209-11; British administration of, 211- 
15; joins Intercolonial Council, 215-18; 
joins Union of South Africa, 217-21; 
attitude toward natives, 224-25; aa- 
nexes native states, 230. 
Transvaal National Union, organization 
of Uitlanders, 203. 
Treaties, with natives, in Southwest Af- 
rica, 73; in German East Africa, 87-88; 
in British East Africa, 92, 98; in 
"ganda, 96-97; in French West Africa, 
126-30; in Nigeria, 129-30, 153, 156, 
158, 162, 167-69; in South Africa, 188, 
i189, 200; in Southern Rhodesia, 232- 
33; in Nyasaland, 235; in Northeastern 
Rhodesia, 233. 
Tribes. See Native States. 
Triple Alliance, Austria, Italy, and Ger- 
many in 1882, 6, 69, 382; approves 
{talian annexation of Tripoli, 344. 
Tripoli, Bashaw of, Rarbary pirate, 244. 
Tripoli, city in Tripolitania, 19; effect of 
Great War on, 356. 
Tripoli, Turkish vilayet, relations with 
France, 140, 269, 274, 286; Barbary 
pirates in, 244-45; population of, 340; 
saptured by Turkey, 342; Italian com- 
mercial interests in, 345-46; military 
operations in Italian-Turkish War, 
345-51: administration, 349; annexed 
by Italy, 351, 353-54; granted auton- 
smy by Turkish Sultan, 354-55. 
Tripolis, district in Turkish vilavet of 
[ripoli, 349. 
Tripolitania, Italian colony, 104, 141; 
land and people, 340; natural resources, 
340: Turkish administration, 342-43; 
[talian colonial aspirations, 343-44; 
[talian-Turkish War, 345-52; Italian 
administration, 352, 357, 360-61; given 
to Italy by Treaty of Lausanne (1912), 
353-35; pacification of interior, 355-56; 
effect of Great War on, 356; Italian trea- 
ties with Senoussi (1917), 336, (1920), 
358-59; reoccupation of interior, 358- 
39: French cessions to, 359; extends 
~ontral over Senoussi, 360: British cea- 
sions to, 360; government of Cyrenaica, 
“ungi Bay, 86; seized by Portugal, 90. 
Cunis, French Protectorate, 6, 13, 17, 
286, 348; relations with Turkey, 140; 
Barbary pirates in, 244—45; acquired by 
Trance, 254, 343; railways, 255, 274; 
lations with Algeria, 263-64; misrule 
>f Bey, 264-65; Italian concessions in, 
265, 275-76; French intervention, 265— 
37: financial reforms in, 265, 271-72, 
273-74: French conquest of, 267-69; 
sstablishment of French Protectora’e, 
68-70; French administration, 270, 
271, 273, 275, 277-78, 321, 335, 
342; powers of Resident-General in, 
272: taxation in, 273-74, 278; home rule 
n, 273, 276; imports and exports, 274; 
natural resources, 274-75; participation 
n Great War, 276; in North African 
Conference (1924), 337-38; treaty with 
France (1881), 344. 
Manis, Bey of, Barbary pirate, 244, 250; 
powers under French Protectorate, 
268-70; signs Treaty of Kasr-es-Said 
(1881), 268; signs treaty of guaranty 
with France (1831), 269, 344. 
Punis, capital of Tunisia, 263; adminis- 
tration, 276. 
Tunisia, Regency of. See Tunis Protec- 
Turkey participates in Berlin Conference 
(1834), 29-35; claim to Tunis denied by 
Powers, 140; relations with Tunis, 266— 
57; treaty with France (1921), 338; 
avdministers Tripoli, 342-43, 348-49; 
jiscriminates against Italians, 345-46, 
348; war with Italy, 347-53; Treaty of 
Lausanne (1912), 353-54, 359; religious 
sovereignty of Tripolitania, 355-56, 
359; proclaims Holy War, 356, 382-83; 
Treaty of Lausanne (1923), 359; Treaty 
nf Savres (1920), 359; relations with 
Egvpt, 369, 372-74, 382. 
Murko-Italian War. See Italian-Turkish 
Jbangi River, explorations on, 20, 40, 41, 
136, 141; boundary of Congo Inde- 
nendent State, 31; Franco-German 
Treaty (1911), 308, 309, 311, 312. 
‘Teanda, British Protectorate, 129; saved 
‘rom Mahdist invasion, 40; Anglo- 
Zongo Treaty (1894), 41; assigned to 
Great Britain by treaty (1890), 93; 
Germans in, 94, 96-97; missionaries in, 
95-97; administered by British Last 
Africa Company. 97-99: railways, 98-

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