Full text: Europe and Africa

Wellcome, Henry S., gives Wellcome Re- 
search Laboratories, 419. 
Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke 
of, British Premier, protests French oc- 
cupation of Algiers, 246. 
Vest African Frontier Police, constabu- 
lary of Northern Nigeria, 162, 167, 170. 
White Fathers, Mission of, in Uganda, 
95-97; in Rhodesia, 236. 
Whitehouse, Sir George, builds Uganda 
Railway, 115. 
¥ilhelm II, Kaiser of German Empire, 
sends congratulations to President Kru- 
ger, 205; his policy toward Morocco, 
289, 294, 298; Conference of Algeciras 
(1906), 290; his foreign policy criticized, 
205; seeks peace in Italian-Turkish War, 
Wilson, Major Allan, killed in Matabele- 
land campaign, 234. 
A lson, Colonel Charles, leads Gordon re- 
lief expedition, 403-04. 
Wilson, C. T., British missionary in 
Uganda, 95. 
Wilson, Lady Sarah, quoted, 204. 
¥ilson, Rivers, British Agent in Egypt, 
appointed financial adviser to Khe- 
dive, 365; appointed Minister of Fi- 
nance, 366; President of Commission of 
Liquidation, 369. 
Xingate, Major-General Sir Reginald, 
Governor-General of Sudan, 412-13; 
quoted, 418. 
Ninton, Sir Francis de, Administrator- 
General of Congo State, 24. 
Xitu, Sultanate of, in East Africa, 86, 94; 
administered by German Witu Com- 
pany, 88; assigned to Great Britain by 
treaty (1890), 93; administered by 
British East Africa Company, 93; pro- 
claimed British Protectorate, 101; Sul- 
tan appointed by British Government, 
®itu, Sultan of, Simla, gives concession 
to Germans, 38; Fume Amari, de- 
throned by British, 103; accession of 
Omar-bin-Hamid, 103. 
¥oelfel, Lieutenant, heads French mission 
in West Africa, 142-43. 
No rmann Line, German, trade with 
Congo State, 28. 
Wolseley, Sir Garnet, defeats Zulus, 196; 
defeats Arabi Pasha in Egypt, 374 
neads Gordon relief expedition. 402- 
* ood. Sir Evelyn, British military com- 
mander, 197; advises evacuation of 
Sudan, 396. 
Nood, Sir Richard, influences Bey of 
Tunis, 265. 
Vorld War. See Great War. 
Yola, native state in Nigeria, 156; as- 
signed to Great Britain by treaty 
(1893), 136, 157; pacification of, 163. 
Young, M., 236. 
‘Young Turks,” 343; control government 
of Turkey, 347; administration of vila- 
vet of Tripoli, 349. 
Zaatcha, oasis in Algeria, captured by 
French, 233. 
Zaghlul Pasha, Saad, leader of Egyptian 
Nationalists, deported, 38%; Milner- 
Zachlul Memorandum, 384-85; forms 
Cabinet in 1924, 388; resigns after mur- 
der of Sir Lee Stack, 390; elected Presi- 
dent of Senate, 390; wins election in 
1926, 391. 
7ambesi River, 19, 231, 232, 236; explored 
by Livingstone, 20; bridge constructed 
over, 243. 
Zanzibar, British Protectorate, 20, 93, 
06: early history of, 86; in Conventional 
Basin, 87, 101; British interests in, 87; 
German protection of, 83-89; dismem- 
sered in Anglo-German Treaty (1886), 
3G; assigned to Great Britain by 
‘reaty (15890), 93; British Protectorate 
recognized by France, 93. 
Zanzibar, Sultan Barghash of, extent of 
rule, 86; offers lease of Zanzibar to 
British consul, 87; protests German Pro- 
.ectorate, 88; forced to accept German 
iltimatum, 89; accepts terms of Anglo- 
Serman Treaty (1886), 90; leases 
soast strip to Germany, 91-92; ac- 
repts British protection, 93; joins Con- 
ventional Basin, 101. 
Zaria, native state in Nigeria, 165-66, 
171, 181; city of, 182. 
Zinder, capital of Niger colony in French 
West Africa, 141, 148. 
Zubeir Pasha, Sultan of Dar-Fur, 163; 
captured, 394; and evacuation of Sudan, 
399, 402, 4041. 
Zululand, native state in South Africa, 
wars in, 71; annexed to Natal, 230. 
Zulus, in Natal, 193; declare war on Great 
Britain, 196. 
Zungeru, capital of Northern Nigeria. 
161. 166. 109. 171, 172.

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