Full text: Europe and Africa

of M. Camille Janssen as Administrator-General, at the 
close of 1885, practically all the employees engaged in the 
public service of the Congo Independent State were Bel- 
In May, 1887, Captain Thys, representing a commercial 
organization of which he was a member, went out with an 
expedition to open up the Kasai River. In 1888 the railway 
from Matadi to Stanley Pool was begun and Stanley Falls 
was occupied by Vangéle and Van Kerckhoven. Vangéle, 
Le Marinel, and Haanolet extended the Belgian rule on the 
Upper Ubangi as far as Banzyville in 1889; and Lieutenant 
Clément de Saint-Marcq was stationed as Resident in 
Kasongo. Hodister explored the Upper Mongala and the 
region between the Upper Lomami and the Lualaba in 1890, 
while Vangéle was pushing up the Ubangi-Welle (or Uelle) 
to Jabbir, which brought the Congo administration in touch 
with the Sudan. In 1891 a strong force, under Captain 
Stairs (a Nova Scotian) and Captain Bodson (a Belgian), 
penetrated into the Katanga country and subdued the great 
kingdom. of Msidi, — the most notorious and oppressive 
native tyrant of Central Africa, — while the gallant Captain 
Jacques was establishing a fortified post at Albertville on 
Lake Tanganyika. 
Perhaps the most remarkable exploit accomplished by 
the representatives of the Congo Independent State at 
this period was the destruction of the Arab power on 
Lake Tanganyika. It extended all the way from Victoria 
Nyanza to Lake Nyasa, from Uganda to the headwaters 
of the Congo; and its centers were at Ujiji on Lake Tan- 
ganyika, Kotakota on Lake Nyasa, and Nyangwe and Ka- 
songo on the Upper Congo, with numerous fine towns and 
hundreds of plantations on the rivers and lakes. The 
notorious Tippoo Tib and his son Sefu or Sef, with their 
partner Rumalisa, were the leaders and promoters of the

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