Full text: Russian public Finance during the war

165, 169, 195, 249, 386; rates, 176; re- 
form, 196. 
Income Tax Law, 174. 
[Industrial expansion, 253. 
(ntelligence Service, 417, 420, 422. 
(intervention Account, 434. 
(taly, 24, 25, 29, 43, 46, 47, 134, 166, 330, 
{vashchenkov, Senator, 57. 
Japan, 108, 311, 330, 454. 
Joint-stock companies, 173, 196, 254. 
Kankrin, Count E. F., 234, 338, 362. 
Kaufman, M., 455. 
Kerenky, 388, 393. 
Kerensky, A. F., 388. 
Keynes, J. M., 306. 
Kharitonov, P. A., 97, 126, 127, 
Kidder, Peabody and Company, 453. 
Knapp, 446. 
Kokovzov, Count V. N., 23, 48, 82, 145, 
236, 363. 
Kolchak, Admiral A V., 439, 453. 
Kuhn, E., 24, 29, 46, 47, 106. 
Kulisher, J., 178, 178, 181, 185, 200, 201, 
204, 205, 206, 209, 214. 
Land Tax, 11, 16, 20-23, 49, 92, 149, 279. 
Laws: 13th July 1831, 812; 1881, 30; 20th 
May 1885, 20; 1887, 32; 1892, 32; 8th 
June 1893, 34; 16th July 1893, 341; 
1894, 18, 63, 96; 26th May 1895, 843; 
3rd November 1905, 23, 32, 114; 
1914: 27th June, 116; 27th July, 86, 91, 
93, 94, 104, 106, 107, 110; 22nd Au- 
gust, 381; 23rd October, 269; 26th 
October, 109; 11th November, 104, 
106; 24th December, 92; 
(915: 9th January, 131; 27th March, 
381; 4th July, 91; 14th July, 132; 
14th August, 381; 14th September, 
183; 23rd October, 269; 13th Novem- 
ber, 384; 22nd November, 131; 
1916: 6th April, 174, 196; 8th Septem- 
ber, 406; 10th September, 407; 19th 
October, 108; 23rd October, 269. 
[ eroy-Beaulieu, Paul, 4, 5. 
Licenses for export of notes and se- 
curities, 410. 
Lloyd George, David, 290, 291, 293, 304, 
Loans and discounts, 404, 448; credit es- 
tablishments, 857; private banks, 361; 
State Bank. 3858. 
oans, foreign, 220, 233, 401; see also 
domestic, 1815, 1822, 1855, 1861, 245; 
Russo-Japanese War, 235, 237; popu- 
larizing, 268; authorization for, 248; 
forced, 279; lottery, 278; 
1914-1917, 401, 407; 1914 5 per cent, 
115, 249, 250, 252, 254, 263, 267, 374; 
1915 5 per cent, 249, 252, 254, 255, 
263, 267; 1915 5% per cent, 249, 250, 
254, 255, 263, 267, 269, 270; 1915 5% 
per cent short-term, 254, 255, 262, 
263, 267-270; 1916 5% per cent short- 
term, 1st issue, 249-255, 262, 263, 267- 
270; 1916 5% per cent short-term, 
2nd issue, 249, 252, 254, 255, 261-263, 
267-273; 1917 5 per cent (Liberty 
Loan of 1917), 249, 251, 252, 254-256, 
263, 267-276, 284, 317, 321, 326, 386. 
420 3 
British domestic, 291, 305, 313; French 
domestic, 300, 
_ohmeyer, A. E., 398, 431. 
London Stock Exchange, 424. 
\lacDonald Government, 332. 
latches, duty, 82, 43, 133. 
icKenna, Reginald, 296, 305, 308. 
vlenkov, T., 172. 
Vligulin, Professor P., 55, 87, 209, 234, 
244, 245, 274, 342, 344. 
Vilitary service, tax on persons exempt 
from, 150. 
viller, C. C., 245. 
Wineral oils, revenue from, 109, 207. 
lines, national, revenue from, 50, 111. 
Vlinistry of Finance: memoranda, 16, 48, 
79, 96, 148; yearbook, 42; History, 
1802-1902, 36; 1903-1914, 36; Review 
for the Decade, 1904-1913, 19, 23, 29, 
57; Short Survey of the Development 
of Russian Railroads during the Dec- 
ade, 1904-1913, 59, 68; Draft Esti- 
mates of Revenue and Expenditure for 
(917, 856, 376, 378, 439; Paris agency, 
288-291; see also Financial Statements, 
{int, revenue from the, 50, 111. 
{obilization, 79, 119, 127, 248, 370, 392. 
donetary Law, 344, 384. 
\Ioratorium, 79, 375; French, 289, 367. 
florgan, J. P., and Company, 312. 
Vlortgage loans, 148, 236, 237, 254. 
Vloscow, 51, 859; Agricultural Institute, 
78; State Conference, 275. 
VMukoseev. M. V.. 252. 281. 323.

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