Full text: The cost of living in the United States 1914-26

the cities chosen as samples, with conditions throughout 
the state. 
Approximately 211 quotations for coal are used in making 
up the index each month; the kerosene quotations are taken 
from grocery questionnaires and the gas and electricity rates 
are obtained from the Department of Public Utilities. Quo- 
tations for each of these items are averaged and after the 
current price of each is reduced to a relative of the 1913 
average price, each is multiplied by its respective weight; 
the sum of these products divided by the sum of the weights 
gives the current index number. 
The changes in the costs of all goods and services entering 
into this major item, with the exception of ice and organi- 
zation dues are those given by the National Industrial Con- 
ference Board. The commission obtains quotations from 
individual ice dealers and from organizations to complete 
its sundries figure. The number of these quotations is 
not available. The reports of the commission include frag- 
mentary comment on the different items, with no attempt 
to discuss each of them each time. In 1920, for example, 
and each succeeding year the ice problem was discussed at 
length and changes in its cost sometimes have been specifi- 
cally estimated;' carfares, moving picture theatre admis- 
sions, prices of reading matter, household furniture and 
furnishings have been noted in each report,? although with 
few indications as to the estimated change in cost or how it 
was ascertained. Medical care in 1920 included a report on 
Physicians’ fees, drugs and medicines;? in 1921, 1922, and 
1925 this item was not mentioned at all; in 1923 and 1924, 
only drugs, medicines and “patent” medicines were noted.} 
In 1920, the increases in the cost of insurance and tobacco, 
! Repor Commission on the Necessaries of Life, 1920, op. cit., pp. 105-107; 
ibid. 1921. o he hid. 1923, pp. 17-18, 85; ibid., 1923, pp. 12-13, 239; ibid.. 1924, 
Pp. 16, 136; itid., 1925, p. $9. B 
* I5id., 1920, pp. 107-108; ibid., 1921, pp. 70-72; ibid., 1922, pp. 85-86; ibid., 
1923, pp. 239-241; sbid., 1924, pp. 135-136; ibid., 1925, p. 59. Carfares are not 
hoted in 1924 or motion picture admissions in 1925, 
8 Ihid., 1920, p. 107. 
4 15id., 1923, p. 240; ibid., 1924, p. 135.

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