Full text: The cost of living in the United States 1914-26

thus seems that in 1926 the cost of living has been most 
sensitive to changes in fuel and food prices. On the whole, 
however, the fluctuations during the year have been rela- 
tively slight and less significant than the downward tendency. 
Taking the movement in 1926 in connection with the general 
trend during the past five years, the outstanding fact is the 
relative stability of the cost of living when viewed in com- 
parison with the wide changes in the preceding years. There 
was little indication in 1926 of any marked tendency to 
depart from this relatively stable condition. 
Among the several items which make up the total cost of 
living, the prices of food are the most variable. The index of 
food prices in January, 1926, stood at 164. It decreased in 
each following month until August, when it reached 156; in 
subsequent months it increased, reaching 162 in November, a 
position which was maintained in December. Compared 
with January, December showed a drop of 1.29, while 
August showed a decrease four times that figure. The 
changes in food prices are almost exactly reflected in the 
index for the total cost of living, though the latter did not 
change in the same degree. In other words, the compara- 
tively variable food prices are to a certain extent neutralized 
by the comparatively stable prices for other items in the 
cost of living. 
Although in January the index for house rents stood at the 
same point, 177, as in December of the previous year, housing 
was less expensive in 1926 than in the year before! During 
the year 1926 the index revealed a decided and steady down- 
ward tendency which in December reached 173, a drop of 
2.39, for the year. The continued decrease shown in the table 
marks rent off sharply from all the other items of the budget, 
which, after a decline in the early part of the year, showed 
a tendency to increase in the later months. 
In rents, more than in any other item making up the bud- 
+ The respective indexes for 1925 were March, 182; July, 179; November, 179; 
December, 177,

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