Full text: The history of local rates in England in relation to the proper distribution of the burden of taxation

Police, national grants for, 134, 
138, 141, 153-4; grant from 
counties to non --county 
boroughs for, 149 
Police-rate, 131, 150-2 
Poll-tax, 17-18 
Poole, poor-rate on salaries, 
money, household goods, ships, 
and stock-in-trade, 81, 8g, 
96-7 ; church-rate, 107 
Poor-rate, origin, §4-62 ; history 
to 1601, 62-77 ;. history since 
1601, 78-101 ; assimilation of 
other rates to, 102-30 
Prisoners, rate for relief of, 65, 
73-4, 109 =n. ; national grants 
for removal and maintenance 
of, 133. 
Probate duty grant, 141-35, 148 
Profits, 85 
Prosecutions, national grants for, 
133, 141 
QUALITY of land considered, 11 
Quinzieme. See Fifteenths 
RAILWAYS, three-fourths exemp- 
tion of, 130-1, 194 
Rate-in-aid, 61, 72-3, 120 
Re-edification, 41, 50 
Reigate, 208 
Rent paid, as criterion of ability, 
80; received, not ratable, 
82-5 ; possibility of abolishing, 
181-2. See Deduction 
Resolutions. See Judges’ resolu- 
Ringwood poor-rate on stock-in- 
trade, 92—4 
Ritchie, 142 
Roads. See Highways 
Rochester Bridge, 10 =. 
Romney Marsh, 10-12, 21-2, 28 
Rye, 208 
ST. GILES paving, 48 
Salaries, 24, 80-2 
Scarborough pier, 35-7, 50 
Scot and lot, 21 
Sea-wall, 16. See Romney Marsh 
and Sewers 
Sewers-rate, 10-12, 21-2, 27-30, 
42, 112-14 - 
Shaftesbury and Sherborne 
causeway, 39-40 
Sheep, rating of, 16, 23 
Sheppey, 43-4, 208 
Sherborne. See Shaftesbury 
Ship-money, 50-3, 115 
Ships, rating of, 97, 107 
Shoreditch poor-rate on per- 
sonalty, co 
it Site value rate,” proposed, 188 
Soldiers, rate for relief of, 67, 74 
Southampton fortifications, 17 x. 
Southwark paving, 30 
Status to be regarded, 79 
Stock-in-trade, poor-rate on, 86— 
100; church-rate on, 106-7; 
highway-rate on, 119-23 
Strand paving, 37-8 
Streets, 37, 120-1, 124-31 
Subsidy, 20 =z. 
Substance, 18, 22 
Succession duty increased, 144 
Surplus from poor-rate, 65 
“Surtaxes,” 153-4 
TALEWORTH. See Nonsuch 
Tamworth fifteenth, 22 n. 
Tax distinguished from rate, 3-3

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