Full text: The reparation problem, 1918-1924

During the past five years developments in the German repara- 
tions problem have been of keen interest to the business public in 
all parts of the world. Differences of opinion among the various 
European nations relative to their settlement, frequently involving 
issues which could easily have led to the serious disruption of pres- 
ant covenants and ties obtaining on the Continent, caused grave con- 
cern among close observers and particularly in those sections of 
our business community that have foreign commercial interests. 
With the application of the plans originated by the two committees 
of experts appointed by the Reparations Commission on November 
30, 1923, which provide what is generally admitted to be a business- 
like and satisfactory settlement of those issues, it is, perhaps, of 
interest to the American public to have a record of the various de- 
velopments in German reparations up to and including the adoption 
of the late settlement. 
This bulletin has for its purpose the chronological tabulation of 
the series of events relative to the solution of the reparations prob- 
lem from the armistice to the application of the experts’ reports, 
which was made effective by the signing of the London protocol on 
August 80, 1924. Specific points have been covered in the briefest 
manner possible and without any expression of opinion. 
Jurios Kuen, Director.

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