Miscellaneous Series—Continued.
No. 299. Personnel research agencies: A guide to organized research in employment
management, industrial relations, training, and working conditions.
No. 319. The Bureau of Labor Statistics: Its history, activities, and organization.
No. 326. Methods of procuring and computing statistical information of the Bureau
of Labor Statistics. [1923.]
No. 342. International Seamen’s Union of America: A study of ifs history and
"problems. [1923.]
No. 346. Humanity in government. [1923.]
No. 372. Convict labor in 1923. i
No. 386. The cost of American almshouses. [1925.]
No. 398. Growth of legal-aid work in the United States. [1926."
No. 401, Family allowances in foreign countries. [1926.]
No. 420. Handbook of American trade-unions. [1926.]
No. 439. Handbook of labor statistics, 1924-1926. (In press.