Full text: Commercial forestry and the community

federal government is making an exhaustive study of taxation, 
with a view to submitting helpful information to encourage proper 
state legislation. 
Communities, local and state, must whole-heartedly support 
fire-prevention measures or they will fail notwithstanding federal 
cooperation. In this field of taxation the communities must see 
that the state acts. 
The main objective of local chambers of commerce wishing 
to encourage commercial forestry in their communities and states 
should be to secure necessary measures of fire prevention and fair 
taxation. A prerequisite to proper legislation is an appreciation 
by the public of the economic and social value of forests, and cham- 
bers of commerce should take steps to secure such appreciation. 
In addition, trade associations especially interested in wood 
products can render special aid in the more technical phases of 
commercial forestry. 
Only by the unified efforts of all agencies can public and indus- 
trial interest be aroused to meet this outstanding local and national 
problem. If all agencies cooperate promptly, our present supplies 
of timber will bridge the epochal change from “nature-grown’ to 
‘man-grown’’ forests. 
Note: Acknowledgment is made of helpful suggestions in the preparation of 
‘his pamphlet from foresters and lumbermen who have given special thought to this 
subject, from F. Winslow, Assistant Manager of this Department, and particularly 
from C. W. Boyce, temporarily on the Department’s staff. 

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