Full text: Commercial forestry and the community

have sufficient growth in new forests started to keep pace with its 
logging operations. 
In California a group of redwood operators controlling two- 
thirds of the redwood supply have entered upon an intensive for- 
estry program. In the past two years these companies have actually 
planted nearly 5,000 acres, and are planning on reaching a rate of 
10,000 acres per year within the next five years. Several larger 
California companies operating in the pine region, cutting their own 
and government timber, state that they are on a sustained yield 
basis. An association of timberland owners is investigating the pos- 
sibilities of reforesting logged-off lands on a large scale. 
In the Lake States, the Appalachian and Central hardwood 
regions and in the Middle Atlantic States, fully a hundred com- 
panies are managing their merchantable virgin and second-growth 
stands to obtain natural restocking as the mature timber is har- 
vested. Several hemlock and hardwood companies in the Lake 
States have been investigating methods of regeneration, and a large 
scale experimental trial is now about to be made. In the Appa- 
lachian region the rapidity of growth in the yellow poplar stands has 
attracted attention, and reforestation projects in these stands have 
heen underwav for several vears. 
Forestry practice in the production of pulpwood is-probably 
more advanced than in any other industry. For many years com- 
panies in the Northeast, such as the Great Northern Paper Com- 
pany, have been engaged in working out methods particularly ap- 
plicable to their problems. The outstanding forestry work in the 
paper industry, upon which much practice is now based, was done 
by the The Brown Corporation in New Hampshire more than 
twenty-five years ago. The Finch-Pruyn Company of New York 
have thoroughly analyzed their wood problem and have purchased 
enough land to supply their pulpwood requirements from current 
growth. The International Paper Company have a corps of trained 
foresters actively engaged in woodland management. The Lauren 
tide Paper Company, of Quebec, has definitely undertaken a plant- 
ing program larger than any undertaken before bv a single company 
in North America. 
In the Central states the Mead Pulp and Paper Company has 
been investigating the possibilities of intensive reforestation of 
[ 36]

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