Hardwood Association, Western Pine Association, California Pine
Association, and many other associations are actively interested in
many phases of forestry work.
The attitude of the Naval Stores industry has already been
mentioned. Other wood using industries, such as manufacturers of
wood turning, handle and vehicle stock, novelties and box boards
have given evidence of their interest in reforestation. Numerous
regional and state development bureaus, like the Western North
Carolina Development Company, have recognized the possibilities
of complete land utilization in forestry.
The American Tree Association, the California Forest Pro-
tective Association, and the Minnesota Arrowhead Association are
active in support of fundamentally sound legislation. Associations
such as the Concatenated Order of Hoo Hoo and the Loyal Legion
of Loggers and Lumbermen have given much publicity to various
oshases of forestry, especially fire protection.
The American Forestry Association and the Western Forestry
and Conservation Association have been important factors in obtain-
ing national and state legislation, and in informing the public about
‘he seriousness of our forest situation. The last-named organiza-
dion conducts a forest research bureau which is now engaged in
studying forest problems for eighteen large Pacific Coast timberland
Many state chambers of commerce have standing committees on
ratural resources which have taken an active interest in forestry
work. A conservation committee has just been appointed by the
Chamber of Commerce in Virginia. This committee is now en-
gaged in gathering information about the forest situation in the
state as a basis for a progressive program.
Many chambers in other states have assisted state and federal
authorities in forestry work. In California the activities of the
State Chamber of Commerce have been particularly noteworthy.
During the forest fire crisis of 1924, this organization raised funds
to help meet the fire situation which was the worst that had ever ex-
isted in the state. The chamber annually distributes forest fire
literature. It has provided registers in several communities to assist
the state and federal authorities in keeping a record of the where-
abouts of tourists during the fire season. Through its subsidiary
chambers and other organizations, it has done much in the develop-
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