Full text: Commercial forestry and the community

Encouraging research in the utilization of forest products 
and the elimination of waste through establishment of 
federal and state experiment stations and laboratories; 
[naugurating and carrying on a national program for better 
utilization of forest products by the industry and by the 
The responsibility for the ultimate solution of our forest prob- 
lem rests on every individual in every state and in every community 
and upon the business organizations which represent him. Trade 
associations and chambers of commerce are important elements in 
the solution of all phases of the forestry and wood requirement 
problems, as well as in the solution of other business problems. 
Activity on the part of these organizations can do much to eliminate 
the difficulties which confront the private business of commercial 
forestry. Only by the unified effort of American business and the 
American public can a successful and fundamentally sound solution 
of this outstanding economic problem be accomplished. 
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