Contents: Modern business geography

(Nn every good course in Business Geography some reference books are 
needed. The most important are a few standard books devoted largely to 
statistics. Nothing is more valuable to a student, or to a teacher, than to 
learn to make frequent and easy use of the books in Section A below. Each 
of the first four costs less than a dollar a year, and the current copies should 
be kept at hand in every school. The Statesman’s Year-Book is extremely 
valuable, but its cost is relatively high, and a new copy need be purchased 
not oftener than every four years or so. 
The remaining books comprise a very small selection of some of the best. 
Many other highly valuable volumes could be added, but it is believed that 
the teacher will be most helped by a short list of books, every one of which 
ought to be in every school. 
(1) The World Almanac and Book of Facts. The New York World, New York. 
85 cents 
Statistical Abstract of the United States. Department of Commerce, Bureau 
of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. For sale by Superintendent of Docu- 
ments, Washington, D. C. In paper covers, 50 cents; bound in cloth, $1.00 
‘3) Commerce Yearbook. Department of Commerce. For sale by Superintendent 
of Documents, Washington, D. C. 60 cents 
Agriculture Yearbook. The United States Department of Agriculture, Wash- 
ington, D. C. For sale by Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. 
EpstEIN, M. The Statesman’s Year-Book. The Macmillan Company, New 
York and London. $7.50 
BartHOLOMEW, J. G. Atlas of Economic Geography. Oxford University 
Press, London and New York. 
Finch, V. C., and BAKER, O. E. Geography of the World's Agriculture. United 
States Department of Agriculture, Washington, 1917. For sale by Superin- 
tendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. $1.00. 
Goobk, J. PauL. School Atlas. Rand, McNally and Company, Chicago. 
'9) Any good encyclopedia. Some reference work of this sort is highly important, 
and the habit of using it is still more important. 
'10) It is always wise to have the class review the previous work. For this pur- 
pose copies of the textbook used in earlier years are needed, also copies of 
several other good elementary texts. 
Bisuop, ALvarD L. Outlines of American Foreign Commerce. Ginn and 
Company, New York, 1923. 
CuisuorM, Grorce G. Handbook of Commercial Geography, 9th edition. 
Longmans, Green and Company, London and New York. 1922. This is a 
highly reliable and valuable book

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