(3) whether the sampling method could be used and the mills
grouped in such a way as to ensure really representative returns being
The Millowners’ Association referred the whole question to the
Technical Advisory Sub-Committee of the Association for consideration
and report. The Director of the Labour Office attended a meeting of
the Sub-Committee on the 7th June 1926 when the whole question was.
discussed in detail. The Sub-Committee accepted the principle of using
Muster Rolls as the basis of the enquiry. They, however, laid great
stress on the necessity of obtaining accurate figures for absenteeism. It
was pointed out that the muster-rolls of many mills would not show
individual absenteeism because they did not differentiate between the
regular worker and the Badli (substitute). An individual was shown as
present if he provided a substitute to work for him and not only would
this not accurately reflect absenteeism, but would also affect the question
of rates of wages. As it would be necessary for the mills selected for the
Enquiry to keep an accurate record of attendance for the month for
which the Census was to be taken, it was agreed that June could not be
taken as the month for the Enquiry and July was eventually agreed
upon. The Sub-Committeé then considered the question of grouping the
mills. This was done both by localities and according to the rates of
wages paid. The greatest possible care was taken to ensure that the
sample was thoroughly representative of all kinds of conditions of work
and pay. Fifteen mills were selected originally, but this was increased
later to nineteen in order to give better representation to the Worli Group.
One mill doing fine spinning was also included. A muster-roll on
approved lines on which the information required could be so entered
that it should be the same for all mills was also drawn up. The main
Committee of the Association unanimously approved the report of the
Technical Sub-Committee regarding the manner in which the Enquiry
should be sonducted. The list of mills selected was shown to Messrs.
N. M. Joshi, M.L.A., and R. R. Bakhale, President and Secretary respec-
tively of the Bombay Textile Labour Union by the Director of the
Labour Office. These gentlemen had no comments to make on the
list itself, but they expressed their doubts as to the possibility of obtain-
ing sufficiently fair and accurate statistics by the sample method.
f. Two separate forms—following closely the ordinary mill muster
roll—were drawn up: (1) for Weavers, and (2) for All Mill Operatives
(excluding Weavers). For Weavers, columns were provided for detailed
information for each individual worker under the following heads
(1) Ticket number of operative ;
{2) Number of looms in charge and width of looms ;
(3) Actual number of days worked by regular worker himself ;
(4) Number of days worked by single badli (substitute), if any ;
(5) Description of cloth produced ;
(6) Width of cloth produced (in inches):