Full text: Distribution and production in the Philadelphia Area

Within three days of Philadelphia by railroad it 
is possible to reach the principal cities in a terri- 
tory in which live 63,413,047 persons—fifty-two 
percent of the total population, who have an annual 
spendable income amounting to $54,653,268,000-— 
sixty-four percent of the total for the country. 
Similar considerations hold for fourth day delivery, 
the territory involved embracing 83,312,385, or 
sixty-nine percent of the total population of the 
United States and annual spendable incomes total- 
ling $63,961,557,000, or seventy-five percent of the 
national total. 
Area (sq. mi.) .. 
Population ..... 
Spendable Income 
Establishments .. | 
Wage Earners .... 
Wages ......... 
Talue of Products 
Area (sq. mi.) . 
Population ..... 
Spendable Income 
Establishments . 
Wage Earners .... | 
Wages .......... 
Value of Products 
R.R.Freight Ares! _ _UPited States 
Third Day Total 
375,100 2.973.774 | 11 
63,413,047 |  120.572,000 | 52.2 
$54,653,268,000  $85,680,000,000 | 63.8 
189,618 195,000 71.6 
6,051,021 8,325,000 72.7 
$8,341,019,000  $10,050,000.000 76.2 
, $45.705,996,000  $62,750.000.000 72.8 
R.R.Freight Area] _ 
Fourth Day 
United States 
Total % 
2,973,714 23.7 
121,572,000 68.5 
$86,680,000,000 , 74.7 
Steamship Freight Area 
Extent Eighty-seven percent of the 
of population and sixty. three per. 
cent of the total area of a 
Influence foreign countries having sea. 
ports are linked with Philadel- 
phia through direct sailings to 430 ports of the 
world. This is shown from reports of the United 
States Shipping Board. 
Numerically, the foreign population reachable by 
American exporters and importers through the Port 
of Philadelphia is 1,583,603,255, and the area, 
33,911,000,348 square miles. Due to the difficulty 
of obtaining information concerning shipments 
originating in or consigned to foreign countries not 
having seaports, namely, Switzerland, Bolivia, Rho- 
desia, Ethiopia, Czechoslavakia and Afghanistan, 
such countries are not included in this study. 
The progressive policies of the steamship com 
panies are gradually facilitating commerce with 
interior countries by interlocking overland service. 
Such a service has just been organized with the 
countries inland from the Baltic and Black Seas and 
the first ship direct from these ports is scheduled 
for arrival in Philadelphia during the month of 
March. 1930. 
on Atlantic 
——g J 
Commerce through the Port of 
Philadelphia is steadily increas- 
ing in volume. Latest complete 
reports of the United States 
Shipping Board, those for the 
year ending December 31, 1928, show that while 
the combined tonnage of all Atlantic coast ports 
for the year declined five percent, the tonnage of 
the Port of Philadelphia increased ten percent, the 
greatest percentage of increase recorded for any 
Atlantic coast port. 
Commerce of the port during January, 1930, 
Pla pnen 
showed an increase over the same month of 1929 
of nineteen percent. 
During the year 1929, according to reports of 
the Board of Commissioners of Navigation, 13,925 
ships, engaged in all kinds of commerce, arrived 
at or cleared from this port. The total cargo ton- 
nage of these ships is estimated at 29,000,000 short 
tons, and the estimated value of their cargoes was 
The commodities in transit through this port 
include virtually the entire list of human necessi- 
ties and luxuries. Locomotives, for instance, are 
distributed directly from the Port of Philadelphia 
to China, Russia, India, South America, Australia 
and other foreign countries. 
From South America come hides, tanning ex- 
tracts, wool, coffee and large quantities of nitrate 
for use in the manufacture of fertilizer and ex: 
plosives. Outbound ships for Australia carry steel, 
building materials, agricultural implements, ma- 
chinery of all kinds, automobiles and refined 
petroleum oils. 
From Africa come palm oils, cocoa beans, skins, 
ores and mahogany. From Russia come rags and 
ores; from Italy and Spain, cork, olives and olive 
oil; from India, wood pulp, burlap, hemp and jute. 
ppl Philadelphia’s importance as a 
Shipping steamship freight center is 
acu largely due to its three trunk 
Existing railroads and its belt line, 
which provide facilities for 
direct loading or unloading between ship and rail: 
road freight car in one handling without lighterage. 
The facilities for the commerce handled through 
the Port of Philadelphia include 298 wharves, of 
which 159 are projecting piers and forty-one the 
waterfront terminals of the three trunk line rail: 

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