Protocol of Signature.
At the moment of signing the
Treaty of Commerce and Navi-
sation, between His Britannic
Majesty in respect of the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland, and His
Majesty the King of Roumania,
the undersigned plenipotentiaries
declare that they have agreed as
follows «—
(1) Notwithstanding anything
in Article 37 of the said Treaty,
His Majesty the King of Rou-
mania shall have the right of
terminating the said Treaty at
any time after the expiration of
twelve months from the date on
which ratifications are exchanged
by giving six months previous
notice, if, at any time, owing to
a change of the Customs system
now in force in the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland, the agricul-
sural products of Roumania are
subjected to any taxes whatso-
saver, on their importation into
she United Kingdom.
(2) The present Protocol shall
be deemed to form an integral
part of the said Treaty.
Signed in duplicate at London
shis 6th day of August, 1930 both
n English and Roumanian, both
texts being authentic.
Protocol de Semndturd.
In momentul de a proceda la
semnarea Tratatului de Comer gi
Navigatie dintre Majestatea Sa
Regele Rewmdniei gi Majestatea Sa
Britanicii, pentru Regatul Unit al
Marei Britanii si Irlandei de
Subsemnafii ~~ plenipotentiari
leclari ci au cizut de acord
wsupra celor ce urmeazd:
(1) Independent de orice dis-
>ozitiuni din articolul 37 al acestui
ratat, Majestatea Sa Regele
Roméniei va avea dreptul, dupd
>xpirarea a 12 luni dela data
schimbului de ratificiri, de a
lenunta oricind acest trata,
printr'un preaviz de 6 luni, daca,
la orice datd, datorit unei
schimbiri a sistemului vamal
sctualmente in vigoare pe terito-
riul Regatului Unit al Marei
Britanii gi al Trlandei de Nord,
produsele agricole ale Roméniei
vor fi supuse la taxe de orice fel,
la importul lor in Regatul Unit.
(2) Acest Protocol va fi con-
siderat ca forménd parte inte-
srantd din acest tratat.
Semnat in dublu exemplar la
Londra, in ziua de 6 August, 1930,
atit in limba roménd cit i in cea
englezd, ambele texte fiind auten-
1S). V.V. TILEA.