Full text: Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty and His Majesty the King of Roumania, with protocol, protocol of signature and exchange of notes

due form, have agreed as fol- 
lows :— 
The territories of the High 
Contracting Parties to which the 
present Treaty applies are, on the 
part of His Britannic Majesty, 
Great Britain and Northern Ire- 
land, together with any territories 
“0 which the Treaty may have 
oeen extended under Article 35 
or in respect of which notice of 
application has been given under 
Article 34,and on the part of His 
Majesty the King of Roumania 
the entire territories which con- 
stitute the Kingdom of Roumania. 
The expression “ territories ” of 
one or of the other High Con- 
fracting Party shall be deemed 
to mean those territories of such 
High Contracting Party to which 
the Treaty applies. 
The rights conferred by the 
present Treaty upon subjects of 
His Britannic Majesty shall be 
enjoyed equally by all persons 
belonging to any territory under 
His Britannic Majesty's protec- 
bon or suzerainty or in respect 
of which a Mandate has been 
accepted by His Majesty, so long 
as the provisions of this Treaty 
have been made applicable to 
that territory under the provi- 
sions of Article 34. 
The expression * companies of 
the High Contracting . Parties ” 
shall, for the purposes of this 
Treaty, be interpreted in the case 
of either High Contracting Party 
a8 relating to the limited liability 
and other companies, partner- 
ships and associations, and Jjuri- 
dical persons, formed for the 
purpose of commerce, finance, 
industry, transport or any other 
business, and duly constituted in 
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uvenitd formd, au cizut de acord 
supra celor ce urmeazs « 
ARrTIicOoLUL 1. 
Teritoriile Inaltelor Parti Con- 
sractante, la care se refery pre- 
zentul tratat, sunt, din partes 
Majestatii Sale Regele RomAniei, 
'ntregile teritorii care constitue 
Regatul Roméniei iar, din partea 
Majestitii Sale Britanice, Marea 
Britanie si Irlanda de Nord, 
‘mpreund cu orice teritorii asupra 
“drora ar putea si fi fost extins 
sratatul, conform articolului 35, 
sau cu privire la care a fost 
brimisi notificarea de aplicare, 
ronform articolului 34. 
Expresiunea “ teritorii” ale 
ineia sau celeilalte Inalte Parti 
Uontractante, va fi consideratd 
2a insemnénd acele teritorii ale 
acelei [nalte Parti Contractante, 
ndrora se aplich tratatul. 
De drepturile conferite prin 
prezentul tratat supusilor Ma- 
jestitii Sale Britanice se vor 
»ucura in mod egal toate per- 
soanele apartindnd oricdrui teri- 
soriu aflat sub protectia sau 
juzeranitatea Majestitii Sale 
Sritanice, sau cu privire la care 
Majestatea Sa a acceptat un 
mandat, atdt timp ct prevede- 
rile acestui tratat au devenit 
aplicabile acelui teritoriu,conform 
lispozitiunilor articolului 34. 
Expresiunea “societitile Inal- 
ielor Parti Contractante” va fi 
nterpretatd, pentru scopurile 
icestui tratat, in ce priveste 
umbele Inalte Parti Contractante, 
:a referindu-se la societiitile cu 
rispundere limitatd gi alte 
jocietdti, societdti in nume co- 
lectiv, asociatiuni 8i persocane 
juridice create cu scop comercial, 
financiar, industrial, de transport, 
sau orice alt gen de intreprindere,

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