Full text: Agricultural marketing revolving fund

Mr. Curistensex. Would you like to have me read from this 
statement ? 
The CuamrmaN. How many commodities are represented there? 
Mr. CuristenseN. I will give you the column showing the loans 
outstanding as of November 30, as follows: ] } 
On beans, $226,563.30. The next item is on cotton. This loan 1s 
made through the American Cotton Cooperative Association, which 
is the sales and merchandising agency of the cotton cooperatives. 
As of November 30, 1930, the amount outstanding on cotton was 
$55,265,867.23. Now, there should be added to that $55,000,000 
loan a loan of $31,137,235.59 to the cotton stabilization corporation. 
That gives the total amount on cotton. 
On dairy products, the amount outstanding on November 30, 1930, 
was $5,012,927.48. Dividing fruits and vegetables into several 
classes, the amount outstanding on citrus fruits on November 30, 
1930, was $2,241,073.13; on grapes and raisins, $14,089,671.99; on 
other deciduous fruits, $1.065.756.50: and on some other small truck 
crops, $69,550. 
On grain, through the Farmers National Grain Corporation, which 
is the sales and merchandising agency for the grain crops, the 
amount outstanding on November 30, last, was $25,057,258.29, plus 
$52,460,787.83 advanced to the Grain Stabilization Corporation. On 
honey there was a loan of $39,830.42; on livestock there was a loan 
of $2,451,871.92; on nuts, including walnuts, pecans, etc., the amount 
outstanding was $165,517.48; on potatoes, the amount outstanding 
was $150,000; on poultry and eggs, the amount outstanding was 
$235,000; on rice, including advances to the rice cooperatives of Cali- 
fornia, Arkansas, Texas, and Louisiana, the total amount outstanding 
was $685,896.66; on seeds, the amount outstanding was $35,000; on 
tobacco, the amount outstanding was $918,259.99; and on wool and 
mohair, the amount outstanding was $9,678,188.23, making a total 
amount loaned to the cooperative marketing associations of $117, 
388,232.62, plus $52,460,787.83 to the Grain Stabilization Corpora- 
tion and $31,137,237.59 to the Cotton Stabilization Corporation, 
which gives a grand total of $200,986,258.04. 
The Crammax. Does that table show the names of the different 
cooperatives to which this money was advanced ? 
Mr. CurisTeNSEN, No, sir; this is classified by commodities. The 
names of the associations do not appear. 
The CrairyMaN. Do you want to tell us that for the record? 
Mr. Lece. I would like to respectfully submit that, while we have 
no wish to withhold any information from you, or a penny, or 
anything else, I think that the details of the loans to these coopera- 
tive associations, or of the loans now outstanding to them, in justice 
to them, should not be put in a public document. All of that 
information is here for your own use, of course. The cooperatives 
have earnestly appealed to us not to make public the details of their 
individual loans. As I have said, I have that information here 
for your own use, but when you put it in a Congressional record, 
of course, other people get possession of it. and they may use it to 
the detriment of the cooperatives. 
The Crmatraan. Of course, we do not want anything in the record 
that would be detrimental to the success of this operation. 

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