Full text: Modern business geography

Modern Business Geography 
China, they provide the poor man’s meat ; it is seldom that the ordi- 
nary Chinese family has any other meat than pork. They are ab- 
sent from large parts of Africa and Asia because the Mohammedan 
religion forbids its followers to eat the meat of swine in any form. 
Hogs are valuable animals, because they will live on all sorts of 
food, are tame and hardy, and yield a large amount of nourishing 
meat. Many hogs weigh more than four hundred pounds when 
eleven months old. Moreover, they increase rapidly in number, for 
there are often ten or a dozen pigs in a litter. 
Swine are important from the standpoint of commerce only where 
many are raised on a large scale and the dressed meat is sent else- 
where for consumption. This occurs in only a few places, where hog 
feed can be grown at low cost. 
A. Dairying in the United States. 
1. Compare the distribution of dairying with the distribution of popula- 
tion. From Figure 64 determine which quarter of the United States has 
the greatest number of dairy cows. Why? 
Compare Wisconsin on the dairying map with the same state on the 
population map (Fig. 164). What two large cities draw upon south- 
eastern Wisconsin for their milk supply? Name two products which are 
manufactured in that state from milk. How does the presence of many 
Dutch, Belgians, Swiss, Danes, Swedes, and Norwegians in Wisconsin 
help to account for the state’s prominence in dairying? Why do so 
many “ foreign-style ”’ cheeses come from there ? 
Figure 73 shows how much milk is sold per inhabitant each year in New 
York, Pennsylvania, and northern 
New Jersey. Find from what regions 
each of the following cities draws its 
milk supply: (a) New York, (5) Phila- 
delphia, (¢) Buffalo, (d) Pittsburgh. 
Which city is obliged to go farthest? 
Why? Explain how the location of 
these cities has influenced the loca- 
tion of the dairy farms. 
The United States uses more than 
seven billion gallons of milk per year. 
About how many gallons is this per 
person? Where is your share pro- 
duced? Do you use more or less 
than the average? Can you ex- 
plain why your proportion seems 
large p 
Fig. 73. Distribution of milk production 
in New York, New Jersey, and Pennsyl- 
vania. This shows the territory from 
which milk is supplied to New York City 
and to Philadelphia

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