Full text: Modern business geography

The Fuel Products 
The lank steamer. The oil which is pumped to the Gulf of Mexico is 
carried away in steamers built especially for this purpose. Name two 
companies that own most of these ** tankers.” Why does it cost much less 
to load one of the tank boats than to load an ordinary cargo boat? 
Explain why you would (or would not) expect to see many tankers pass- 
ing through the Panama Canal. In which direction would most of them 
be carrying oil 
The tank car. Before pipe lines were extensively used, — and even to- 
day where the demand for oil is not sufficiently heavy to pay for their 
installment, — a special type of railroad car carried the oil. On the 
map showing the pipe lines, name ten large cities that depend on the tank 
car to supply their petroleum. 
Decide whether it is better for each of these cities to get its supply from 
some city on a pipe-line route or from some port at which tank steamers 
The tank aulomobile. Tt was an easy task to adapt the motor truck to 
the special purpose of carrying oil. What advantages has a motor tank 
over the other methods of transporting petroleum ? 
H. Natural gas. 
1 Usually when a reservoir of oil beneath the earth’s surface is tapped by 
man, great quantities of natural gas rush out. No other resource has been 
so recklessly wasted as this rich and cheap natural fuel. The daily loss 
in the United States is estimated to have been equal to the heating value 
of one million bushels of coal. Since there are about 26 bushels in one 
short ton, approximately how many tons of coal have been wasted yearly? 
Fig. 10- 
“his map shows only the main pipe lines in the United States. 
pipe lines would reach about twice around the earth. 
The total mileage of

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