Full text: Modern business geography

Modern Business Geography 
and La Plata, but Bahia Blanca and, far to the south, Punta Arenas. 
The chief grain exported is wheat, although corn is coming into prom- 
inence. Formerly animals were shipped alive in great numbers to 
western Europe, but now they are shipped in the form of beef, mutton, 
hides, and wool. Punta Arenas, the southernmost of the world’s 
towns, is interesting rather than important. A very small place, it 
is included in this group only because it exports sheep. 
15. Practice making a sketch map of South America. Show the location 
of every port mentioned in this section, and after the name of each sea- 
port put in parentheses the name of its chief export. Underline the 
names of the important ports of the continent, and double-underline 
the name of the leading port. At first, have before you the map in the 
book while you sketch. After a few trials see if you can do all the work 
from memory in three minutes. 
The chief work of the ports. All the ports of South America are 
engaged chiefly in sending raw materials to European nations and 
the United States. The returning steamers bring back manufactured 
products. During the World War, the European nations were so 
occupied with fighting that they could not keep up their former 
volume of trade with South America. Germany, which had been 
one of the chief South American customers, could do no trading 
whatever. Hence the United States in part took the place of the 
Fig. 115. European settlers are responsible for a good deal of the development of the cattle- 
raising industry in the southeastern part of South America. Their experiences in many ways 
resemble those of the pioneer cattlemen in our own Wegt

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