Full text: Modern business geography

Problems in Primary Production 
European nations as a source of manufactured articles and a pur- 
chaser of raw materials. 
46. Explain how it was possible for the United States partially to replace 
western Europe in South American trade. 
47. What advantage is this trade to the United States? 
48. How does the Panama Canal assist in this trade? 
49. What section of South America has been most benefited by the canal ? 
The interior of South America is so little developed and so 
sparsely populated that there is little need of centers for collecting 
primary products. In fact, an inland area as large as the United 
States and all its possessions is without a single important center. 
50. What has most hindered the development of the interior? 
"The few important interior cities of South America lie only a short 
distance from the coast. In order of location, beginning at the north, 
they are: (a) Bogot4, (b) Caracas, (¢) Sdo Paulo, (d) Rosario, 
(e) Cérdoba, (f) Santiago, (¢) Lima, (h) La Paz, and (i) Quito. 
51. Locate the interior cities on the map in the order given. 
52. Referring to the population table in the Appendix (page 335), arrange 
these cities in the order of size. 
Each of the interior centers, with the exception of Sao Paulo, 
Rosario, and Cérdoba, is the capital of a republic. Each is also 
located away from the unhealthful coastal lowlands, but on a 
highway which keeps it in touch with a port that exists chiefly for 
its benefit. 
53. Name for each of these centers (a) the country of which it is the capital, 
(b) the highland on which it is located, (c) its port, and (d) the chief pri- 
mary product shipped from the port. 
Of the three interior cities that are not capitals of republics, Sao 
Paulo and Cérdoba are located on healthful highlands and are capi- 
tals of large states, while Rosario is a river town and might almost 
be called a seaport. Each of the three is a center for the collection 
of primary products. 
54. Name the products and decide with which group of seaports these three 
interior cities should be placed.

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