Full text: Modern business geography

Modern Business Geography 
Khartum. A branch line has recently been built from Khartum to 
Port Sudan (Suakin) on the Red Sea. 
15. What is the distance from Alexandria to Khartum in a straight line? 
Name a place about the same distance from your home. 
16. Will the trade of Alexandria probably increase more or less rapidly be- 
cause of the branch line to Port Sudan? 
17. What goods are collected by Alexandria from Egypt? Where are they 
sent ? 
18. What goods are distributed by Alexandria to Egypt? Where do they 
come from ? 
Port Said lies at the entrance to the Suez Canal, and is a port of 
call for all the shipping that goes from the Mediterranean to the Red 
Sea. It also has rail connection, via Cairo, with the interior of Africa. 
Nevertheless, more than three fourths of the Egyptian imports and 
more than nine tenths of the exports pass through Alexandria. 
19. What advantages in means of communication and in relation to the 
main export keep Alexandria so far ahead of Port Said ? 
Several fertile oases of the Sahara lie in the region for which Alexan- 
Iria is the port. 
20. What kinds of routes connect these oases with the outside world? Why 
are both oases and routes interesting rather than important in the world’s 
commerce d 
Other northern ports of Africa. The other northern ports, in order 
of size, are Algiers, Tunis, Oran, Casablanca, Tripoli, and Tangier. 
Since they are separated from the rest of Africa by the desert, they 
have much more commercial connection with southern Europe than 
with other ports of Africa. Wine is much the most valuable export, 
then cereals, sheep and wool, timber, and ores. 
21. Answer the following questions concerning each of these ports: 
(@) On what body of water is it? 
(b) In what country or political division is it? 
(¢) What European nation controls the country ? 
(d) What large port of the controlling country is nearest it ? 
(e) About how large is the hinterland of the port? how productive? 
(f) How far from the port does the railroad penetrate ? 
‘9) How are the oases reached ? 
How are the hinterlands of these ports adapted to the production of one 
or more of the chief exports mentioned above? 
Why does the United States receive only a small share of the trade of 
North Africa? Give reasons based on (a) political conditions; (b) types 
of primary production; (¢) transportation.

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