Full text: Modern business geography

Modern Business Geography 
great grain-producer is not far away? Note the rivers that touch her 
territory, and consider why her manufacturers are especially interested 
in the international agreement whereby inland nations are allowed free 
transport of goods along their natural outlets, even through foreign terri- 
D. The manufacture of textiles in Europe. 
I. At the largest dry goods storein your locality, ask to see the finest cotton 
cloth and inquire where it was manufactured. If the clerk does not 
know, the label or stamp will probably tell. Inquire likewise of a tailor 
about his best woolen cloth. 
Let some of the girls in the class make out a list of the names of cotton, 
woolen, and silk goods, such as gingham, velour, crépe de chine, and col- 
lect samples of these fabrics. With the help of your teacher, check the 
names that are French. Compare those checked with those not checked, 
in number, quality, and design. What do you conclude in regard to the 
character of French textile manufactures ? 
Cotton. During our Civil War, British manufacturers became interested 
in the establishment of cotton growing on a large scale in Egypt and India. 
What had the Civil War to do with their action? Why did they select 
these regions for experiment (page 7)? 
Woolen goods. In large parts of Great Britain, sheep raising can be carried 
on successfully ; yet the woolen industry imports great quantities of wool, 
chiefly from Australia and Argentina. What conditions make it profitable 
to bring wool so great a distance for use in manufacture ? 
Silk. The mulberry tree can be grown as far north as southern England 
and southern New England. From Figures 17 and 18, decide which coun- 
tries in Europe might produce silk if they wished. Have all these coun- 
tries a supply of cheap labor to carry on silkworm culture? Could France 
maintain the production of silk textiles on the present scale and become in- 
dependent of the Italian raw silk ? 
How has the building of the Swiss tunnels helped to give Germany an 
advantage in the manufacture of silk? Is this industry important? 
Jute. What is jute? For what is it used? Where is it raised? The 
United States buys a good deal from Mexico. From what countries does 
Great Britain find it most economical to purchase her supplies? 
In the textile industry, Great Britain finds the competition of other coun- 
tries increasingly keen. Her markets for woolen cloth are being supplied 
by an increasing amcunt of French goods; her silk, jute, and linen manu- 
facturers find themselves competing with makers of the same goods in 
the United States; and her cheap cotton cloths are being replaced by those 
made by the newly established Asian manufacturers. What cities in 
France manufacture the woolens? Which Asiatic nations are learning to 
supply themselves and their neighbors with cheap cottons? Give two 
reasons why they can manufacture these cottons cheaper than England 

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