North Dakota — Continued
value of manufacturing 327
North Sea 103, 107
Norway, barley 41; wheat 53; oats 57; fish-
eries 102, 103*; copper 119; mining 122;
forests 140; foreign commerce 281, 308;
nitrogen 290; area and population 329
Nova Scotia 75, 225, 226
Nuts 289. 293. 336
Oakland (California) 214,* 215, 260, 330
Dats, chief cereal 40, 41*; in Scotland 41,
57; world production 51*; in North
America 56,* 57,* 58; for feed 83; in
Europe 278; in Asia and Australia 312
Oceania 329
Ohio, corn 47; wheat 53; sheep 91, 93; in
central forest region 135; electric railways
185; railway mileage 187; minerals 193,
325; area and population 326; manufac-
turing 327
Ohio River 196, 218*
Dil. See Petroleum
Oil cake 23
Oils, vegetable 267, 293, 3°21
Oklahoma, petroleum 129, 325 ; coal 325 ; area
and population 326; manufacturing 327
Oklahoma City (Oklahoma) 259, 334
Omaha (Nebraska) 88, 223, 258, 334
Omdurman (Egypt) 228, 231
Omsk (Siberia) 316
Ontario 75
Optical goods 252
Oran (Algeria) 228, 230
Oranges. See Fruits
Orchards. See Fruits
Oregon, wheat 42, 16, 53; apples 75; forests
and lumber 135,* 138, 141; minerals 325:
area and population 326; manufacturing
Orient, farming in 26,* 32, «
67; labor 60, 272, 27°
Osaka (Japan) 271
Ostrich feathers 231
Ottawa (Ontario) 225, 226, 227
Oxen 163,* 166
Oyster fishing 105, 109, £1.
Ozark Mountains 75
Pacific Ocean, fisheries, 105; fur-seal 106
Pacific states, manufacturing 212
Packing, of fruit 76; of Japanese goods 277:
of goods for South American market 304
Palestine 41, 318, 328
Panama 79, 145, 329
Panama Canal, and Zone 138, 198, 199,*
200,* 201, 202, 205, 206, 215, 216. 329
Paper 27, 132, 138, 139. 140. 237. 241. 271.
273, 293
Para (Brazil) 151. 331. 335
Paraguay, cattle 89; railways 175; area and
population 329; exports 336
Paris (France) 266, 267, 288,* 332
Parrafin 128
Paterson (New Jersey) 210, 241, 242, 334
Pawtucket (Rhode Island) 15, 334
Peaches 74, 80*
Peas 313
Pennsylvania, wheat 43; potatoes 62; milk
supply 94%; iron ore 117; coal 124,* 125,
27, 193; railways 187; coal routes 211;
ron and steel industries 236, 271; workers
»ngaged in manufacturing 272; mineral
sroduction 325; area and population 326;
value of manufacturing 327
“ennsylvania Railroad 210, 212
Perfumes 267, 268
2ernambuco (Brazil) 150, 331, 335
Persia, cotton 7; rice 50; wheat 50; petro-
leum 130*; transportation 165,* 175; com-
merce 308; primary products 313; and
western world 318 ; area and population 328
“eru, cotton 7, 8, 25; wheat 53; potatoes
53; copper 119; climate 144; transporta-
tion 162; commerce 308; area and pop-
ulation 329; exports 336
Petroleum, control of 111; a mineral product
112; production in United States 113,
20,* 126, 129, 301, 325; consumption in
Jnited States 126, 128; uses 126, 129, 130,
251; pipe lines, tank cars, etc. 127, 130,
131%; oil well 128%; conservation of sup-
oly 129; world production 130*; re-
ineries 250, 263, 271; imports into United
States 293; In Asia and Australia 312:
from Asia 321
Philadelphia (Pennsylvania) 72, 78, 91, 161,
190, 210, 211, 212, 215, 216, 221, 251, 330
Philippine Islands, rice 51,* 52; sugar cane
71, 292; fruits 77, 78; coconuts and
copra 79%; water power 263; abaca
‘Manila hemp) 289; as market for United
States goods 301, 306, 308; foreign com-
merce 306, 308; primary products 312;
area and population 326, 328
Photographic goods 252
Dikes Peak 180
Pipe lines 127, 130, 131*
Pitch 136
Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania) 125. 218.* 236.
253, 254, 330
Platinum 112
Poland, potatoes 67; transportation 195;
flax 279; area and population 329
Population, farming, in United States 32;
in Orient 33; concentration of 54; rela-
tion to potato growing 67; to sheep 97;
to swine 98; of South America 146, 153,
303. 304: and railwavs 178.179: percen-