Modern Business Geography
Fig. 23. The fertile fields along the Vetarrabia Canal, near Chiaravalle, in southern Ttaly.
In many parts of Europe the most careful irrigation is practiced.
What methods of cultivation do the Chinese employ that enable them to
support large families on such small tracts? (For information, consult
King’s Farmers of Forty Centuries, Huntington's Asia — A Geography
Reader. Ross’s The Changing Chinese, or an encyclopedia.)
The relation of machinery to the number of farmers.
Mention two ways in which the invention of farm machinery, such as the
McCormick reaper, has aided in the growth of American cities.
During twenty years the number of farmers in Ohio increased only 10 per
cent, but the production of crops increased about 40 per cent. Explain
how this was possible.
How the government assists agriculture.
Explain how a Kansas wheat farmer, a Delaware peach grower, and a
farmer near your home may be benefited by each of the following :
‘a) the United States Weather Bureau, (b) the Rural Free Delivery system,
‘c) an Agricultural Experiment Station, and (d) good roads built by the
nation, state, county, or town.
The Department of Agriculture supports plant introduction stations
which serve as little * Ellis Islands” for thousands of immigrant plants.
To determine whether this service may be of value to the country, con-
sider how many of our common fruits and vegetables were formerly
natives of a foreign land. Make a list of fruits and vegetables that you
commonly see in stores; cross off your list the names in the following list
and see how many immigrant plants are left :