Full text: Modern business geography

The highly developed form of the problems and exercises has also 
the effect of making the book elastic. By omitting a number of them, 
or by assigning some of the problems to individuals for report to the 
class, the whole subject can be covered in half a year. If all parts 
are carefully studied, the book provides material for a well-rounded 
course of a year. 
The original draft of this book was to a large extent the work of the 
junior author, whose lamented death occurred before the book had 
received its final revision. Mr. Cushing was responsible for the 
general plan of the book, and for its development along the lines of 
the four great economic fields. To him also is due the pedagogical 
method illustrated in the text and problems, and especially in the 
problem chapters at the ends of the four sections. It should be added, 
however, that since Mr. Cushing’s death the book has been com- 
pletely rewritten to bring it up to date. 
The. death of Mr. Cushing makes it impossible to acknowledge 
all the various sources from which help was received. Therefore, 
rather than acknowledge the kindness of some and omit others, it has 
seemed wise merely to express deep appreciation for the services 
of all who have had a part in the book, and to omit personal acknowl- 
edgments. The work of Miss Lenox E. Chase of the Mount Vernon 
High School of Commerce, however, must be mentioned, for Miss 
Chase has had an important share in the preparation of the exercises 
and tables. As a student of Mr. Cushing’s she knew and practiced 
his methods, and her assistance has been most valuable throughout. 
Acknowledgment is also due to the United States Department of 
Agriculture for most of the maps of crops and animals, which form an 
important feature of the book. The Department is doing a truly 
remarkable work in collecting, mapping, and disseminating statistics 
on a great variety of agricultural subjects.

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