Full text: Iceland 1930

Autumn 1914 
a22 291 
“3 2m 
24 321 
we 283 
N94 247 
1 227 
28 226 
1920 225 
It will be seen that after the outbreak of the Great War prices at 
once began to rise considerably. The increase continued with great 
rapidity in 1917 and 1918, while in 1919 it was more gradual; but 
in 1920 the highest point is reached at 346 per cent; thereafter there 
was some reduction which during 1924 gave way to a new and con- 
siderable increase. In 1925, however, a decline again set in, and 
since 1927 the price-level has remained practically unchanged, at some 
125 per cent. above pre-war level. 
During the war, wages, though rising preity sharply, were far from 
keeping pace with the increase in prices. Tolerably reliable infor- 
mations respecting wages are available only for unskilled workers 
and seamen in Reykjavik, and they go to show that wages did not 
till 1921 reach the same comparative level as the general percentage 
of increase, while thenceforward there has been little decline propor- 
tionately to the fall in prices. In settling questions of wages some re- 
gard has, indeed, been had to the cost-of-living index which, however, 
has never been allowed to regulate the wages automatically, 
Salaries of State officials were fixed by an Act of Althingi in 1919 
and on the whole raised somewhat above the pre-war level, though 
not nearly to the same extent as prices had by then increased, for it 
was believed that the enhancement would not be of long duration, and 
that prices would gradually fall. In view of this it was decided that 
officials should provisionally enjoy, over and above their statutory 
salary, an annual allowance to be fixed according to calculations made 
on the basis of the prices of certain specified goods in October 
the preceding year. In the case of a salary exceeding 4500 krénur, 
no allowance is granted on the portion exceeding the 4500 krénur 
limit, and salary and allowance together must not, ‘as a rule, exceed 
9500 krénur. According to this the allowance has been as follows: 
1920 120 per cent. on salary 
1921 1373 
1922 91 
1923 60 
1924 52 
19285 78

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