Full text: Iceland 1930

fore but natural that accident insurance for seamen should be first 
established here. By a law of 1903 insuring against death by drown- 
ing or as resulting from an accident was made compulsory for fisher- 
men serving on decked vessels. In 1909 the scope of this insurance 
was extended so as to comprise the crews of all Icelandic steamers, 
sailing vessels, motor and rowing boats, except the smallest type (the 
two-oared boats). In 1917 the compensation in the case of death was 
increased, and at the same time it was made compulsory to secure 
compensation to seamen for injuries incurred in work. By a law of 
1925, which became operative from the 1st January 1926, accident in- 
surance was given a much wider scope so as to include practically all 
wage-earners, except farm labourers and such minor industries as nei- 
ther employ mechanical motive power nor a greater number of workers 
than four. Under the same act benefit is now allowed in the form of 
daily payment during sickness resulting from injury sustained during 
work, irrespective of whether the person injured will recover or re- 
main more or less an invalid for the rest of his life. In 1928 the 
compensation in case of death or disablement was considerably raised. 
The insurance is effected with an institution called the State Acci- 
dent Insurance Office (Slysatrygging rikisins), divided into two de- 
partments, one for seamen, the other for industrial workers. The go- 
vernment appoint the manager and defray the cost of administration. 
All expenses in connexion with the insurance are defrayed from fees 
paid by the employers, except in the case of fishermen on rowing 
boats and motor boats of less than five tons, for whom the State pays 3/0 
of the premiums, which is all the public support enjoyed by the institution. 
The compensation is paid on the following basis: 
1) In the case of death, a capital sum of 3000 krénur, paid out in 
full at once to the survivor who, if a widow, receives a further 
grant of 400 krénur for every child under 15 vears of age for 
whom she has to provide. 
In the case of complete disablement, a sum down once for all of 
6000 krénur, and proportionately less for partial disablement. 
Loss of capacity for work, estimated at less than 200/ of the 
normal, gives no right to compensation. 
Accidents are compensated at the rate of 5 krénur a day from 
the 20th day inclusive, but in no case for a longer period than 6 
(calendar) months. 
In the event of death resulting from accident, compensation is pay- 
able to the survivors who for that purpose are divided into the four 

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