Object: Iceland 1930

A foreigner who has settled in Iceland shall be expelled: : 
If he is in need of poor relief while in Iceland; 
if, before having resided in the country for five consecutive years, 
he is proved guilty of an offence which is considered dishonour- 
able by the general public and for which he has been sentenced, 
at least, to imprisonment on bread and water. Under special cir- 
cumstances the Minister of Justice may, however, make an excep- 
tion from this rule and permit the person in question to remain 
in the country. 
A foreigner who has settled in Iceland, can be expelled by the 
Minister of Justice, if he has intentionally returned incorrect answers 
to the questions implied in 1 to 6, or if he proves or can be proved 
to come under 2 and 4 to 6. 
Icelandic Law distinguishes between foreigners who gain their 
‘ivelihood in Iceland as wage-earners in other people’s service, and 
hose who follow a trade or other pursuit in Iceland on their own 
account. — Similarly, the rules now in force respecting the right of 
a foreign company to engage in business or activities of any kind, 
are somewhat different from those obtaining in the case of a foreign 
1. Foreigners in the service of others. As a general rule employ- 
ers in Iceland may not take foreigners into their service for any 
other remuneration than food and lodging. — And in this sense 
any person domiciled abroad is deemed a foreigner, unless he (or 
she) has the right to reside in Iceland according to the law of the 
land or the law of nations. This rule does not, however, apply to: 
a) foreign specialists employed in any kind of industry; 
b) other foreign experts, in so far as qualified native Icelanders are 
not available; 
employer’s descendants in direct male line; his adoptive and foster 
children; his brothers and sisters; 
foreign workers engaged as farmhands for a period of two months 
or more; 
foreign seamen on board Icelandic ships, except fishing vessels 
where at least one-half of the crew must be Icelandic subjects. 
Before, however, a foreigner can be employed on board an Ice- 
landic fishing vessel, it is necessary to obtain permission from 
the Minister of Industrial Affairs. This rule does not apply fo 

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