Object: Modern business geography

Where Fruit is Produced 
(1) The greatest apple regions are northern districts where large 
bodies of water afford protection from the cold winter and from early 
spring frosts. The frosts usually come with the northwest winds, 
and the orchards located on the south and east side of the lakes or 
bays are less likely to be nipped by the cold. 
This is the case in the western part of New York near Lake Erie 
and Lake Ontario, and also in the part of Michigan which borders 
the eastern shore of Lake Michigan. In Canada, the peninsula of 
Ontario and the famous Annapolis Valley in Nova Scotia receive the 
same protection; hence these regions also raise great apple crops. 
Wisconsin and northern Illinois, on the contrary, get little protection 
against frost from Lake Michigan, since the prevailing wind is 
from the west. Their apple crop, therefore, is small. 
(2) The second kind of region where apples are grown with 
marked success includes cool places where there is much rough land with 
steep slopes and rather infertile soil. This land is purchased at small 
cost, since it is worth little for most crops. Although not fertile, it is 
good for apples, because on frosty nights during the budding period 
the cooler air drains down the steep slopes away from the trees and 
settles in the valleys. The hills and ridges may also shelter the 
orchards from cold north winds. . 
Such an apple region is the Appalachian district from the western 
part of North Carolina to southern Maine. Southeastern New York, 
in the Appalachian district, with the added advantage of nearness to 
the metropolitan market, has an enormous number of apple orchards. 
The low Ozark Mountains in Arkansas furnish another illustration 
of a rugged apple region. Such regions are so abundant in the United 
States that there seems to be no good reason why there should ever 
be a shortage of our apple supply. 
(8) The third kind of apple region is found in the irrigated parts 
of the western states. Here the special advantage is the brilliant 
sunshine from an almost unclouded sky. Such a condition gives 
the apples so much color that they are the most beautiful produced in 
America. Many persons think, however, that the apples of irrigated 
regions are more pleasing to look upon than to eat. Colorado, east- 
ern Washington and Oregon, and California are important sections 
where apples are grown by irrigation. 
Since apples do not grow well in warmer regions, they are of minor 
importance in the South. 
Apple growing outside the United States. Elsewhere in the tem- 
perate zones apples are raised on a large scale in localities similar to

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