Object: Statistical manual

18 Gramercy Park South 
(New York City) 
First Mortgage Fee Serial Gold 6% 
Amount: $750,000; outstanding, $731,000. 
Dated: October 1, 1926. 
Maturity: 1929 to 1938. 
Interest: April and October 1st. 
Denominations: $1,000 and $500. 
Taxes: 2% Federal—Pa.. Conn., Vt., Md,, D. of C,, Va., N. H., 
Redemption: 104 to 1930; then 103 to 1934; thereafter at 102. 
Trustee: Straus National Bank & Trust Co. 
Assessed 1930: $875,000. 
Security: Fee estate in land comprising 6,360 square feet in 
area, at the southwest corner of Irving Place and Gramercy 
Park South, New York City, and the 17-story club residence 
erected thereon—facing Gramercy Square. : 
Earnings: This property is leased under a net lease of $120,000 
per annum and is well rented. The maximum interest re- 
quirements at this time are $43,860. 
Price Range: Jan.-May, 1930—97-97. 
Herald Square Building 
(New York City) 
First Mortgage Leasehold 1948 Sinking Fund 6% Bonds 
Amount: $2,500,000; outstanding, 5~1-30, $2,467,000. 
Dated: May 1, 1928. 
Maturity: May 1, 1948. 
Interest: May and November 1st. 
Denominations: $1,000 and $500. 
Taxes: 2% Federal—certain state taxes. 
Redemption: 105 to 1931; then 103 to 1937; then 102 to 1943, 
thereafter 101. 
Trustee: New York Trust Company. 
Cushman & Wakefield, Inc, and Pease & 
Elliman. Inc. .. .... $4,100,000 

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