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right to run farms and engage in handicrafts. A permission is, however, 
required from the Minister concerned before a non-resident can obtain 
the right of utilizing a real property for a longer period than three 
vears, or in case this right is made subject fo a notice exceeding 
iwelve months (Act. No. 63, November 28th, 1919). 
None but Icelandic subjects (whether living in the country or not) 
may carry on fishing in territorial waters, and the ships so employed 
mist be the exclusive property of Icelandic subjects. Foreign ships are 
forbidden to land their catches in Iceland for the purpose of curing 
them there; nor may they apply any curing process to their fish, either 
inside the limits or in Icelandic harbours. The Minister concerned 
may, however, grant the owner of a herring oil or herring meal factory, 
or any other factory of similar description, permission to employ a for- 
eign vessel in fishing, provided the catch is to be utilized in the fac- 
tory {Act No. 33, Tune 19th, 1929) 
Only those resident in Iceland may acquire real estate there. Yet, 
the Minister concerned may in certain cases grant exceptions from this 
rule, and permit non-residents fo own real property in the country 
(Act No. 63, November 28th, 1919), 
Shipping. In order to be able to have a vessel registered in lce- 
land as an Icelandic vessel, the owner must, if an Icelandic subject, 
have been permanently resident in Iceland for at least the year im- 
mediately preceding, while a foreign subject, in order to acquire this 
right, is required to have been uninterruptedly domiciled in Iceland 
for not less than five years previous to obtaining the same privilege 
{Act No. 29, June 27th, 1925), 
Trade Marks. Any person, having the right to conduct a trade or 
business in Iceland, may obtain the sole right of using a special trade 
mark by having it duly registered. In the same manner, legal protection 
for trade marks may be enjoyed by subjects of foreign States who have 
not the right of following a trade or pursuit in Iceland, provided Icelandic 
subjects are granted reciprocity in the countries concerned. A foreigner 
who wishes to have his trade mark registered in Iceland, must, how- 
ever, have an agent residing there, to represent him in the event of 
a lawsuit arising in connexion with his trade mark, as all such cases 
must be pleaded in Icelandic courts (Act No. 43, Nov. 13th, 1903).

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