Full text: Iceland 1930

Iceland has many things which atiract the ordinary tourist, as pic- 
luresque mountain views, fine waterfalls, boiling springs, and peculiar 
geological formations. However, the number of tourists visiting the 
country is almost insignificant, compared to the multitude coming every 
year to Norway and Switzerland. This may, no doubt, be ascribed to 
the fact that Iceland is very little known to the world in general; that 
it takes a long time to get there; that extensive trips inland are ra- 
ther expensive; and that, a most places, the accommodation is not what 
'uxurious persons wish for. Yet those who are ready to rough it and 
can afford to spend time and money, may find it worth while to visit 
‘his land of frost and fire. 
he capital has a population of rather more than 26 000, or !/s of the 
copulation of the whole island. 
For most tourists one day is quite sufficient for seeing the town, 
visiting the Natural History Museum, the National Museum and the 
Library, which are all housed in the same building. The museum con- 
iaining the sculptures by Einar Jjénsson, the Icel. sculptor, is also 
worth a visit, and the Althingishiis (House of Parliament) where there 
is a collection of paintings. The marble font in the Cathedral is made 
oy Albert Thorvaldsen (whose father was an Icelander) and given by 
him to Iceland. 
Reykjavik is the seat of the government; here is also the Icel. Uni- 
versity and many of the principal schools of the country; some of the 
hospitals; The General Post Office; the Telegraph station and the two 
sanks, Landsbanki [slands (National Bank) and Utvegsbanki Islands.

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