Full text: Iceland 1930

Island. Strejflys over Land og Folk. Kobenhavn 1917. 
Islands Adressebog. Handels- og Industrikalender. Directory of Ice- 
land. Revkiavik 1917 f§. 
Baring-Gould, S.: Iceland. Its Scenes and Sagas. London 1863. 
Bisiker, William: Across Iceland. London 1902. 
Bruun, Daniel: Iceland. Routes over the Highlands. Copenhagen 1907. 
Brvce, James: Impressions of Iceland (1872). In his Memories of 
Travel. London 1923. 
Burton, R. F.: Ultima Thule; or a Summer in Iceland. Vols. I-11. 
London and Edinburgh 1875. 
Coles, John: Summer Travel in Iceland. London 1882. 
Collingwood, W. G. and Jén Stefinsson: A Pilgrimage to the Saga 
Steads of Iceland. Ulverston 1899, 
Dufferin, Lord: Letters from High Latitudes. 11th ed. London 1908. 
Hall, J. N.: On the stream of travel. Boston 1926. 
Henderson, E.: Iceland; or the Journal of a Residence in that Island 
during the Years 1814—1815. Vols. I—II. Edinburgh 1818. 
Hooker, William Jackson: Journal of a Tour in Iceland in the Sum- 
mer of 1809. Vols. [—1I, 2nd ed. London 1813. 
Howell, Frederick W. W.: Icelandic Pictures drawn with Pen and 
Pencil. London 1893. 
Mackenzie, George Stewart: Travels in the Island of Iceland during 
the Summer 1810. 2nd ed, Edinburgh 1812. 
Memorials of Willard Fiske. Vols. 1—Iil. London 1920; passim. 
Morris, William: Journal of Travels in Iceland 1871, 1873 in the 
Collected Works of William Morris. London 1911, vol. VIII. 
Oswald, Miss E. J.: By Fell and Fjord or Scenes and Studies in 
, Iceland. London 1882. 
Russel, W. S, C.: Iceland. Horseback Tours in Saga Land. Boston 1914. 
Shepherd, C. N.: The North-West Peninsula of Iceland. London 1867, 
Svmington, Andrew James: Pen and Pencil Sketches of Faroe and 
Iceland. London 1862. 
Taylor, Bayard: Egypt and Iceland in the Year 1874. 2rd ed. New York 1902. 
Watts, W. L.: Across the Vatna Jokull. London 1876. 
Gaimard, Paul: Voyage en Islande et au Groénland exdcutd pendant 
les années 1835 et 1836. I—IX. Paris 1838—52. 
Groote, Eugéne de: Island. Paris 1889.

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