a sentence passed upon them by the courts for a ‘dishonourable
offence’ or are indebted for Poor Relief, have the right fo vote
at district elections, provided they are at least 25 vears of age; have
resided in the country for five years immediately preceding the elec-
tion; have been domiciled for one vear in the district in question;
are capable of managing their own affairs; and have their names on
the register of voters. Eligible for Althingi are all those who are
qualified for the franchise. Any citizen, except judges who are not
charged with administrative duties, may, however, be elected even
though he is not domiciled in the district, or though he has resided
there for a shorter period than one year. The qualifications for franchise
and eligibility at the election of those who are chosen by the whole
electorate are the same as those obtaining at the district elections,
except that the age limit is thirty-five years. — The ballot is secret
and takes place in every parish (hreppur) and town (kaupstadur),
which again may be divided into electoral sections (kisrdeildir). At
the district elections, the ballot is conducted by the parish election
committees, and in each electoral district by the district election com-
mittee; but the election of the six representatives by the whole elec-
torate is supervised by an election committee (landkjérstiérn) in Reykja-
vik and by ‘sub‘-committees in the electoral sections. The ballot-boxes
are sent to the district election committees, who count the votes and
furnish the elected members with certificates of election. Electors who
on election day happen to be outside the electoral district where they
are registered, may vote by sending in their ballot paper in a sealed
envelope to their proper polling place. It is not a civil duty either
to vote or to accept election. The representatives have to take the oath
fo the constitution. They receive a remuneration and are specially
protected by law.
Althingi assembles (usually in Reykjavik) for its ordinary sessions
on the 15th of February or on the following week-day, unless the king
has fixed another day earlier in the year. The king summons Althingi
and decides when it shall be prorogued, which, however, must not
be done until the budget has been passed. The king may summon
extraordinary Althings. He may also adjourn its meeting once a year
for a certain period of time which, without the sanction of Althingi,
must not exceed two weeks. He has the right to dissolve parliament,
but then a new election must take place within two months after the
dissolution, and the new Althingi must be summoned not later than
eight months after the previous parliament was dissolved.