National debt thus amounting to 13.6 millions. The net wealth of the
State on the 31st of December 1928 was thus 22.s million krénur.
Up to 1908 State loans were practically unknown in Iceland, though
at New Year when accounts were made up between the Icelandic and
Danish treasuries, there was sometimes a small balance in the latter's
favour. But in 1908 a loan of half a million krénur was negotiated
for the construction of telegraph lines; and in 1909 another loan of
1/2 million krénur was taken up for the purpose of buying bank-
bonds. Since then other loans have been raised for the same pur-
poses and for making roads and harbours, or defraying the expenses
of other undertakings. After the Great War broke out, loans had fo
be raised to buy ships, and for other measures made necessary by
the war to ensure the importation of supplies to the country from
abroad. At first these loans were placed exclusively in Denmark, but
since 1916 some of the loans have been subscribed in Iceland, and in
1921 a loan of £ 500000 was raised in England, about three-fourths
of which were again lent to the banks on the same terms as it had
been negotiated, so that the State, though responsible for the whole
amount, has used only one-fourth of it; consequently the other three-
fourths are not included in the National Accounts.
The following table will show the size of the National debt up to
and including 1928:
December 3°s¢ “10
C 1s
Total National Debt National Debt
1000 krénur ver head of population
30 krénur
40 —
212 —
Though these figures show an enormous increase in the National
debt during the Great War; vet, proportionately to the number of
population, our burden is not so heavy as that of the other European
nations. Besides, the National debt, as shown above, was considerably
reduced in 1924, and still more so in 1925, that year being so excep
tionally favourable that the State receipts exceeded the estimated ex-
penditure by 5%: million krénur, 4 millions of which were employed
to pay off all short term loans, over and above the usual reduction.