of the specific duties have since been increased. The more important of
these are the following (including the above-mentioned temporary 25 per
cent. increase, from which, however, the first 4 articles are exempted).
Raw coffee . . .
Coffee-substitutes .
Roasted coffee .
Sugar . . .
Tea. . . . . 7?
Chocolate . . 2
Cocoa . . . . . 3 63
Lozenges and other sweets 2°0
Tobacco . . . . . . . 500
Cigars and Cigarettes . . . . 5600
Ble « 4 2 + a 4% 4» 38
Claret and Fruit-juice . . . 125
Sherry, Portwine, and Malaga . 250
Cognac (50 per cent. of alcohol) 375
Spirits (100 per cent. of alcohol) 625
60 aurar per kilo
50 —
The Tax on Goods Act at present in force dates from 1926. All
goods comprised by this act are divided into the following 7 groups.
{The ad valorem duty is not included.)
I. Gr. Cement, Taretc. . . . . . . . .
3 Various kinds of hardware, barrels and
materials for barrels, cattle fodder,
glass ete. . . . . . . . .
Piece-goods, ready made clothes, foot-
wear and cofton thread . . . . .
a. Salt... . .
>. Coals . . , . .
c. Petroleum . . . . . 100 kilos
limber, unwrought . . . . . . . 5 + cubic foot
Toys and articles of ornament . . . 100 — - kilo
All other dutiable goods . . . . . 60 — - 10 kilos
60 aurar per 100 kilos
Besides the taxes levied on imported goods, there is also an ad
valorem duty of 1!/2 per cent. on all Icelandic goods exporfed. Ex-
empted from ad valorem rates are only salted herring, fish-meal and
offal, on which a duty by weight is payable at the rate of 150 aurar
per barrel, 100 aurar per 100 kilos, and 50 or 100 aurar per 100
kilos respectively.
The average annual value of imports and exports during the last 30
vears has been (in 1000 krénur):